Use our FM 18 random club generator to choose a random club to manage in Football Manager 2018
Our random club picker generates 3 random clubs at a time and you can keep refreshing as many times as you like until you find a suitable club.
- Average Age
- Bank Balance £561k
- Transfer Budget £112k
- Wage Budget
- Stadium Capacity 3,200
- Average Attendance 1,550
- Training Facilities Adequate
- Youth Facilities Average
- Youth Academy Average
- Youth Recruitment Limited
- Reputation 90 / 200
Best Player
Pavle Ninkov
- Age
- 32
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- D/WB/M R
- Ability
- Potential
High Potential Player
Nemanja Stankovic
- Age
- 19
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- Ability
- Potential
- Average Age
- Bank Balance £2m
- Transfer Budget £449k
- Wage Budget
- Stadium Capacity 2,200
- Average Attendance 800
- Training Facilities Good
- Youth Facilities Good
- Youth Academy Good
- Youth Recruitment Limited
- Reputation 101 / 200
Best Player
Ognjen Mudrinski
- Age
- 25
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- ST
- Ability
- Potential
High Potential Player
Miroslav Bogosavac
- Age
- 20
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- D/WB L
- Ability
- Potential
- Average Age
- Bank Balance £10m
- Transfer Budget £1m
- Wage Budget £20k
- Stadium Capacity 36,000
- Average Attendance 18,605
- Training Facilities Great
- Youth Facilities Great
- Youth Academy Good
- Youth Recruitment Limited
- Reputation 124 / 200
Best Player
Mitchell Donald
- Age
- 28
- Nationality
- Holland
- Position
- DM
- Ability
- Potential
High Potential Player
Luka Adzic
- Age
- 18
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- Ability
- Potential