The English Northern Counties East Premier Division is a league in Football Manager 2018. N'thrn Counties East Prem can be found in England in FM 18.

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English Northern Counties East Premier Division
Total Teams
Avg Balance
Avg Age
Avg Training
Avg Youth Rating
Avg Academy
Avg Rep
Avg Attendance
Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in English Northern Counties East Premier Division in Football Manager 2018

Are you looking to manage a team in English Northern Counties East Premier Division in FM18? Why not try finding a random team to manage in English Northern Counties East Premier Division and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
AFC Mansfield 0 Poor Poor Limited 42 47
Albion Sports £20 £205 89 Poor Poor Limited 12 13
Athersley Recreation £185 168 Poor Poor Limited 17 19
Barton Town £5k £185 96 Poor Poor Limited 25 26
Bottesford Town 0 Poor Poor Limited 32 33
Bridlington Town £650 £1 £220 135 Poor Poor Limited 25 29
Clipstone 50 Poor Poor Limited 4 4
Garforth Town £2k £1 £305 109 Poor Poor Limited 18 19
Hall Road Rangers 0 Poor Poor Limited 11 12
Handsworth Parramore £400 83 Poor Poor Limited 43 46
Harrogate Railway Athletic £3k £1 £200 104 Poor Poor Limited 19 20
Hemsworth Miners Welfare 0 Poor Poor Limited 14 16
Liversedge £1k £1 £195 61 Poor Poor Limited 31 34
Maltby Main £195 67 Poor Poor Limited 11 12
Parkgate £1 £1 £200 80 Poor Poor Limited 29 31
Penistone Church 0 Poor Poor Limited 12 12
Pickering Town £1k £1 £240 130 Poor Poor Limited 38 43
Pontefract Collieries 0 Poor Poor Limited 14 15
Rainworth Miners' Welfare £2k £1 £1 60 Poor Poor Limited 33 40
Staveley Miners Welfare £155 137 Poor Poor Limited 10 12
Thackley £1k £1 £225 159 Poor Poor Limited 15 16
Worksop Town £6k £1 £125 496 Poor Poor Limited 36 41