This page refers to an older game FM18. View Bulgarian Third Southwestern League in all games.

The Bulgarian Third Southwestern League is a league in Football Manager 2018. Third Southwestern League can be found in Bulgaria in FM 18.

This page describes Bulgarian Third Southwestern League in FM18 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM18 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM18 Database Update instead.

Bulgarian Third Southwestern League
Total Teams
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Manage in Bulgarian Third Southwestern League in Football Manager 2018

Are you looking to manage a team in Bulgarian Third Southwestern League in FM18? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Bulgarian Third Southwestern League and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Balkan Botevgrad £2 £2 200 Below Average Below Average Limited 52 54
Bansko £175k £2 £2 150 Adequate Below Average Limited 52 56
Belasitsa Petrich £164k £2 £2 750 Below Average Below Average Limited 42 46
Botev 1927 Ihtiman £88k £2 £2 200 Basic Basic Limited 34 36
Chavdar Etropole £175k £2 £2 442 Adequate Adequate Limited 23 28
CSKA 1948 Sofia £548k £11k £11k 0 Adequate Adequate Limited 56 60
Germaneya Sapareva banya £110k £2 £2 0 Poor Poor Limited 51 54
Hebar Pazardzhik £219k £2 £2 425 Adequate Adequate Limited 54 59
Marek Dupnitsa £241k £2 £2 250 Basic Below Average Limited 41 44
Minyor Pernik £219k £2 1,272 Below Average Below Average Limited 51 56
OFK Elin Pelin 65 Poor Poor Limited 5 6
Pirin Gotse Delchev £263k £2 £2 752 Adequate Adequate Limited 48 53
Pirin Razlog £197k £2 £2 300 Below Average Below Average Limited 47 51
Rilski sportist Samokov £44k £2 £2 400 Below Average Below Average Limited 49 52
Septemvri Simitli £219k £2 £2 325 Adequate Adequate Limited 51 56
Slivnishki geroy Slivnitsa £88k £2 £2 230 Adequate Below Average Limited 49 54
Svoboda 2011 £175k £2 £2 0 Poor Poor Limited 18 18
Vihren Sandanski £110k £2 £2 600 Adequate Adequate Limited 51 55