This page refers to an older game FM18. View Europa FC in all games.

Europa FC are a team in Football Manager 2018. Europa FC play in the Gibraltarian First Division in Gibraltar in FM 18.

Europa FC
Gibraltarian First Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Europa FC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Europa FC will be Poor

Europa FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Europa FC in Football Manager 2018?

This is a guide to managing Europa FC in FM18. If you want to play Football Manager 2018 with an updated Europa FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM18 Update which updates the Football Manager 2018 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2018 Data Update you can download.

Europa FC Players in FM18

All Europa FC Players in Football Manager 2018
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Guillermo Roldán 36 AM RLC, F C £450 £740 £320 30-06-2018
Ibrahim Ayew 29 D RL, DM £310 £3k £1k 30-06-2018
Enrique Carreño 30 ST £680 £4k £2k 30-06-2018
Kike 23 AM/F C £360 £4k £2k 30-06-2018
Jesús Toscano 26 D RC £490 £6k £3k 30-06-2018
Alex Quillo 30 AM C £460 £3k £1k 30-06-2018
Martín Belfortti 36 D C, DM £180 £90 £40 30-06-2018
Iván Moya 29 DM £420 £3k £1k 30-06-2018
Mustafa Yahaya 23 DM £340 £3k £1k 30-06-2018
Alberto Merino 42 D C, DM £280 £300 £120 30-06-2018
Javier Muñoz 35 GK £180 £670 £260 30-06-2018
Toni García 25 AM L £310 £3k £1k 30-06-2018
Ethan Jolley 20 D RC £190 £1k £510 30-06-2018
José Manuel Cámara 23 GK £110 £2k £600 30-06-2018
Jorge Pina 34 AM L £430 £690 £260 30-06-2018
Sykes Garro 24 AM C £230 £1k £530 30-06-2018
Mikey Yome 22 AM RLC, F C £260 £980 £360 30-06-2018
Jose 25 D C £190 £970 £350 30-06-2018
Antoñito 24 AM L £210 £840 £910 30-06-2018
Nicholas Busto 20 D LC £100 £540 £570 30-06-2019
Kieron Bossano 23 AM RL £100 £500 £530 30-06-2019
Ciaran Benyounes 24 AM R £140 £500 £510 30-06-2019
Julian Lopez 25 ST £100 £500 £490 30-06-2019
Carlos Camacho Campos 26 D L £130 £350 £360 30-06-2018
Dion Durante 17 D L £60 £420 £700 30-06-2019
Jemar Matto 16 DM £60 £480 £880 30-06-2020
Francisco Javier Mancilla 20 GK £100 £380 £410 30-06-2019
Baali Chellaf 20 GK £100 £380 £420 30-06-2019
Jordan Prescott 16 D R £60 £420 £780 30-06-2020
Ismael Garcia 18 D R £100 £420 £610 30-06-2019
Fernando Avila 17 D C £60 £450 £710 30-06-2019
Declan Pizarro 16 AM R, ST £60 £500 £930 30-06-2020
Stefan Bonavia 17 M C £60 £480 £780 30-06-2019
Liam Crisp 17 D/WB R £100 £350 £570 30-06-2018
Yeray Romero 18 ST £100 £410 £590 30-06-2018
Marc Ryan 17 AM R £60 £480 £810 30-06-2019
Jonathan Rodrigues 20 D C £100 £450 £500 30-06-2019
George Wink 19 ST £100 £400 £510 20-06-2018
Luke Evans 17 D L £100 £350 £580 30-06-2018
Colin Finlayson 17 D RC £60 £450 £760 30-06-2019
Dennis Bautista 16 AM C £60 £480 £850 30-06-2020
Kevin Gonzalez 17 D C £60 £450 £750 30-06-2019
Jerome Mascarenhas 18 GK £60 £380 £570 30-06-2018
Michael Zapata 16 D C £60 £450 £810 30-06-2020
Aimad Ben Youssef 16 AM R £60 £500 £900 30-06-2020
Michael Gracia 24 ST £100 £500 £460 30-06-2019
Joselinho 25 AM/F C £190 £410 £410 30-06-2018
Josema 17 AM C £100 £390 £660 30-06-2018
David Solís 18 M C £60 £480 £680 30-06-2018
Julian Celecia 16 D L £60 £420 £750 30-06-2020
Jordan Prescott 16 M L £60 £480 £870 30-06-2020

Europa FC Loaned Out Players in FM18

Players out on loan from Europa FC in Football Manager 2018
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Carl Machin 23 D R £110 £350 £370 30-06-2018
Aidan Casey 26 D/WB/M R £160 £580 £620 30-06-2018
Stefan Oliva 24 D LC £110 £350 £350 30-06-2018
Thomas Hastings 24 D C £100 £370 £330 30-06-2018

Europa FC Staff in FM18

Europa FC Staff in Football Manager 2018
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Johny 39 Manager (First Team)
Miguel Angel Rodriguez 43 Assistant Manager (First Team)
Peter Cabezutto 44 Chairman
Juan Jose Gallardo 41 Director of Football 13-06-2019
Scott Harding 48 Data Analyst (First Team)
Jeremy Judd 56 GK Coach (First Team)
Juan Luis Julia Abolafio 33 Coach (First Team)
Pedro Perez 40 Fitness Coach (First Team)
Christian Ressa 39 Manager (Reserve Team)

Europa FC Peaked Players in FM18

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2018
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Kevin Gonzalez 17 D C £60 £450 £750 30-06-2019
Fernando Avila 17 D C £60 £450 £710 30-06-2019
Jordan Prescott 16 D R £60 £420 £780 30-06-2020
Stefan Bonavia 17 M C £60 £480 £780 30-06-2019
Declan Pizarro 16 AM R, ST £60 £500 £930 30-06-2020
Ismael Garcia 18 D R £100 £420 £610 30-06-2019
David Solís 18 M C £60 £480 £680 30-06-2018
Aimad Ben Youssef 16 AM R £60 £500 £900 30-06-2020
Marc Ryan 17 AM R £60 £480 £810 30-06-2019
Carlos Camacho Campos 26 D L £130 £350 £360 30-06-2018