This page refers to an older game FM18. View Persinga Ngawi in all games.

Persinga Ngawi are a team in Football Manager 2018. Persinga play in the Indonesian League Two in Indonesia in FM 18. Persinga Ngawi are a playable team in FM2018.

Persinga Ngawi
Indonesian League Two
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Persinga Ngawi Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Persinga Ngawi will be Poor

Persinga Ngawi Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Persinga Ngawi in Football Manager 2018?

This is a guide to managing Persinga Ngawi in FM18. If you want to play Football Manager 2018 with an updated Persinga Ngawi squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM18 Update which updates the Football Manager 2018 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2018 Data Update you can download.

Persinga Ngawi Players in FM18

All Persinga Ngawi Players in Football Manager 2018
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Wage Dwi Aryo 26 ST £640 £16k £6k 30-03-2018
Ferdiansyah 25 D C £370 £9k £10k 31-03-2018
Andre Oki Sitepu 26 D L £400 £10k £11k 31-03-2018
Rosyad Setiawan 20 M C £340 £8k £9k 31-03-2018
Harris Adyatma Kartika 26 D L £260 £4k £4k 31-03-2018
Slamet Hariyadi 27 ST £270 £3k £190 31-03-2018
Rachmad Sucipto 26 D R £310 £4k £4k 31-03-2018
Prillian Syaifour 23 GK £120 £2k £2k 31-03-2018
M. Fatkhur Rosi 22 DM £180 £3k £3k 30-06-2018
Abrori Alfian Zain 21 AM R £160 £2k £2k 31-03-2018
Muhamad Saddam 22 M R £260 £4k £4k 31-03-2019
Muhammad Shodiq 22 D L £260 £3k £170 31-03-2018
Rendi Dwi Ardiyana 21 M C £170 £2k £2k 31-03-2018
Rizky Alexander 20 D C £180 £3k £3k 31-03-2018
Hilmy Setia Kusuma 20 ST £90 £1k £2k 31-03-2018
Rully Aditya Nugroho 20 D R £200 £3k £3k 31-03-2018
Totok Ari Nugroho 21 GK £80 £2k £1k 31-03-2018
Achmad Sholeh 24 D C £240 £3k £140 31-03-2018
Muhammad Bagus Yulianto 19 M C £80 £2k £2k 31-03-2018
Muhammad Zamnur 26 M R £190 £2k £710 31-03-2018
Abdul Muis 19 D L £50 £1k £1k 31-03-2018
Didik Pratomo 21 AM/F C £100 £2k £1k 31-03-2018

Persinga Ngawi Staff in FM18

Persinga Ngawi Staff in Football Manager 2018

Persinga Ngawi Peaked Players in FM18

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2018
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Wage Dwi Aryo 26 ST £640 £16k £6k 30-03-2018
Andre Oki Sitepu 26 D L £400 £10k £11k 31-03-2018