This page refers to an older game FM19. View Ethiopian Lower Divisions in all games.

The Ethiopian Lower Divisions is a league in Football Manager 2019. Ethiopian Lower Divisions can be found in Ethiopia in FM 19.

This page describes Ethiopian Lower Divisions in FM19 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM19 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM19 Database Update instead.

Ethiopian Lower Divisions
Total Teams
Avg Balance
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Avg Youth Rating
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Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Ethiopian Lower Divisions in Football Manager 2019

Are you looking to manage a team in Ethiopian Lower Divisions in FM19? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Ethiopian Lower Divisions and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Addis Ababa Kenema 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Arba Minch City 27.57 0 Poor Poor Limited 32 33
Bahir Dar University 35 0 Poor Poor Limited 9 9
Dashen Beer 31 0 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation 30.63 0 Poor Poor Limited 54 56
Ethiopian Insurance 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Guna Trading of Mekele 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Hadiya Hosana 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Harar Beer Bottling £1 £1 0 Basic Poor Limited 0 0
Jimma Aba Coffee 25.67 0 Poor Poor Limited 18 19
Kombolcha Textiles 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Meta Abo Brewery 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Metehara Sugar 36 0 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
Muger Cement 26 0 Poor Poor Limited 10 11
Nyala Sports Club 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Railway of Dire Dawa 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Sebeta Kenema 34 0 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
Trans Ethiopia 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Water Works 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Woldya Kenema 23 0 Poor Poor Limited 8 9
Wonji Sugar 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0