This page refers to an older game FM19. View Romanian Third League Group 5 in all games.

The Romanian Third League Group 5 is a league in Football Manager 2019. Liga III Seria 5 can be found in Romania in FM 19. The Romanian Third League Group 5 is playable in FM2019.

This page describes Romanian Third League Group 5 in FM19 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM19 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM19 Database Update instead.

Romanian Third League Group 5
Total Teams
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Manage in Romanian Third League Group 5 in Football Manager 2019

Are you looking to manage a team in Romanian Third League Group 5 in FM19? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Romanian Third League Group 5 and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
ACS 1.Fotbal Club Gloria Bistriţa £1 £1 £1 21.35 300 Basic Basic Limited 47 53
ACS Comuna Recea £1 £1 £1 22.04 0 Poor Poor Limited 45 50
ACS MSE Tîrgu Mureş £1 £1 £1 24.18 0 Poor Poor Limited 43 47
ACS Sticla Arieşul Turda £1 £1 £1 24.29 0 Poor Poor Limited 48 52
AFC Hărman £1 £1 £1 23.08 300 Poor Poor Limited 47 51
AFC Odorheiu Secuiesc £1 £1 £1 20.26 0 Poor Poor Limited 47 52
AFC Unirea Tăşnad £1 £1 £1 22.1 0 Poor Poor Limited 46 50
AFK Csikszereda Miercurea Ciuc £1 £1 £1 22.42 0 Good Great Limited 50 55
CS Gaz Metan Mediaş II £1 £1 £1 19.03 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
CS Iernut £1 £1 £1 24.34 0 Poor Poor Limited 44 48
CS Minaur Baia Mare £1 £1 £1 21.48 300 Adequate Below Average Limited 48 53
CS Olimpic Cetate Râşnov £1 £1 £1 24.24 0 Poor Poor Limited 47 50
CS Sănătatea Servicii Publice Cluj £1 £1 £1 27.4 200 Poor Poor Limited 49 51
CSM Avântul Reghin £1 £1 £1 22.2 0 Basic Poor Limited 45 49
FC CFR 1907 Cluj II £1 £1 £1 18.87 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
FC Unirea Dej £1 £1 £1 20.84 700 Adequate Basic Limited 48 53