This page refers to an older game FM19. View Club de Deportes Cobresal in all games.

Club de Deportes Cobresal are a team in Football Manager 2019. Cobresal play in the Chilean First Division in Chile in FM 19. Club de Deportes Cobresal are a playable team in FM2019.

Club de Deportes Cobresal
Chilean First Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Club de Deportes Cobresal Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Club de Deportes Cobresal will be Basic

Club de Deportes Cobresal Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Club de Deportes Cobresal in Football Manager 2019?

This is a guide to managing Club de Deportes Cobresal in FM19. If you want to play Football Manager 2019 with an updated Club de Deportes Cobresal squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM19 Update which updates the Football Manager 2019 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2019 Data Update you can download.

Club de Deportes Cobresal Players in FM19

All Club de Deportes Cobresal Players in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Marcos Figueroa 28 AM R, ST £770 £500k £1m
Sebastián López 32 GK £260 £45k £23k
Ever Cantero 32 ST £250 £103k £40k
Rodrigo Cabrera 29 D LC £410 £193k £45k 31-12-2019
Eric Godoy 31 D C, DM £560 £287k £160k 31-12-2019
René Bugueño 30 D RL, DM £500 £268k £60k 31-12-2019
Felipe Reynero 29 AM RL, ST £590 £364k £180k 31-12-2019
Sebastián Céspedes 26 AM R, ST £340 £77k £40k
Israel Poblete 23 AM RL £460 £231k £210k
David Portillo 33 D C, DM £300 £38k £3k 31-12-2019
John Santander 24 D/WB/M L £460 £264k £140k 31-12-2019
Fabián Saavedra 26 AM R, ST £600 £235k £140k 31-12-2019
Eduardo Farías 29 D R, DM £550 £321k £180k 31-12-2019
Marcelo Jorquera 25 D/WB/M L £450 £187k £160k 31-12-2019
Flavio Rojas 24 D C £160 £103k £45k 31-12-2019
David Muller 23 AM R, ST £1k £41k £18k 31-12-2019
Rodolfo González 29 D LC, DM £390 £181k £55k
Carlos Escobar 28 AM R, ST £460 £231k £120k 31-12-2019
Lino Maldonado 29 AM RL, ST £230 £140k £45k 31-12-2019
Miguel Vargas 22 GK £220 £29k £34k 31-12-2019
Juan Gutiérrez 28 AM RLC £270 £34k £10k 31-12-2019
Juan José Contreras 24 D R £140 £8k £10k 31-12-2019
Ronaldo Abarca 20 AM/F C £180 £500 £660
Bernardo Mendoza 21 DM £230 £480 £510 31-12-2019
Marcelo Filla 20 D R £140 £420 £550
Diego Céspedes 19 D C £170 £450 £700
Braulio Ávalos 22 AM L, ST £280 £13k £10k 31-12-2019
Diego Lara 20 GK £180 £380 £480 31-12-2019
Matías Meléndez 20 DM £160 £480 £610
Leandro Ojeda 19 AM L £120 £500 £740
Nicolás Landeros 20 ST £150 £500 £620 31-12-2019
Ariki Yáñez 19 GK £130 £380 £550
Guillermo Aravena 21 AM R, ST £170 £500 £500
Miguel Paredes 18 DM £20 £480 £810
Marcos Guzmán 18 D C £20 £450 £750
Daniel Saldaña 18 D C, DM £20 £480 £790
Diego Carimán 20 D L £110 £420 £500
Diego Leyton 19 DM £120 £480 £670
Pablo Cárdenas 18 D C £20 £450 £720
Peter Arredondo 18 D R £20 £420 £670
Cristhofer Mesías 20 D C, DM £120 £450 £23k
Lucas Portilla 18 AM C £20 £500 £770

Club de Deportes Cobresal Staff in FM19

Club de Deportes Cobresal Staff in Football Manager 2019