This page refers to an older game FM19. View Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht in all games.

Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht are a team in Football Manager 2019. Sorkh-Poushan Pakdasht play in the Iranian First Division in Iran in FM 19.

Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht
Iranian First Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht will be Poor

Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht in Football Manager 2019?

This is a guide to managing Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht in FM19. If you want to play Football Manager 2019 with an updated Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM19 Update which updates the Football Manager 2019 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2019 Data Update you can download.

Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht Players in FM19

All Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht Players in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Amir Hossein Feshangchi 31 D/AM L £2k £43k £25k
Hashem Beikzadeh 34 D L, M LC £2k £7k £3k
Hadi Shakouri 36 D RC £2k £7k £3k 30-06-2019
Mehrdad Jamaati 28 D L £2k £54k £35k 30-06-2019
Hossein Fazeli 25 AM RL £2k £47k £30k 30-06-2019
Mohammad Ousani 25 AM RL, ST £2k £47k £20k 30-06-2019
Mostafa Mahi 28 DM £2k £49k £20k 30-06-2019
Omid Jahanbakhsh 24 AM RL £2k £49k £25k
Morteza Khorasani 21 ST £2k £32k £13k
Mehdi Jafarpour 33 D/AM R £1k £6k £2k 30-06-2019
Mohammad Amini 22 D/WB/M L £1k £21k £23k
Mohammad Rahmati 23 M C £1k £19k £40k 30-06-2019
Hamzeh Khaziravi 23 ST £1k £23k £20k 30-06-2019
Seyed Hossein Karimi 26 AM R £1k £20k £18k
Rahman Ebadzadeh 31 DM £1k £19k £7k
Amir Mohammad Panahi 22 ST £1k £22k £24k
Reza Moradi 27 D C £930 £19k £13k
Ali Mohsenzadeh 25 GK £700 £11k £4k
Vahid Hamraz 30 D C £800 £15k £6k
Mehdi Sedghian 22 GK £300 £3k £5k 30-06-2019
Mehran Agari 21 M C £420 £4k £5k
Milad Shokrzadeh 22 D/WB RL, M R £180 £780 £740
Ali Khodaei 20 D L £100 £420 £570

Sorkh-Poushan Samasha Pakdasht Peaked Players in FM19

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Hossein Fazeli 25 AM RL £2k £47k £30k 30-06-2019