This page refers to an older game FM19. View Ekenäs IF in all games.

Ekenäs IF are a team in Football Manager 2019. Ekenäs IF play in the Finnish First Division in Finland in FM 19. Ekenäs IF are a playable team in FM2019.

Ekenäs IF
Finnish First Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

1 Record achieved with Ekenäs IF in FM19

4 0-4
Biggest Defeat FM19 25 Oct 2018 23:22:54

Ekenäs IF Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Ekenäs IF will be Basic

Ekenäs IF Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Ekenäs IF in Football Manager 2019?

This is a guide to managing Ekenäs IF in FM19. If you want to play Football Manager 2019 with an updated Ekenäs IF squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM19 Update which updates the Football Manager 2019 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2019 Data Update you can download.

Ekenäs IF Players in FM19

All Ekenäs IF Players in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Zacharias Ekström 25 D/WB/AM L £90 £10k £4k 15-11-2019
Severi Vielma 22 D RLC £120 £30k £34k 15-11-2019
Joachim Böckerman 20 D RL, DM £120 £26k £41k 15-11-2019
Akseli Ollila 18 AM RLC, F C £170 £41k £40k 15-11-2019
Ville Sevón 24 D/AM R £60 £300 £190 15-11-2019
Antti Ulmanen 19 ST £160 £34k £61k 15-11-2019
Daniel Rantanen 20 AM RC £150 £34k £53k 15-11-2019
Viktor Limnell 22 D/AM L £60 £210 £230 15-11-2019
Benjamin Tuovinen 23 M C £110 £21k £18k 15-11-2019
Joel Akpini 21 D RC, M R £90 £19k £19k 15-11-2019
Johan Estlander 29 D RC, AM R £160 £370 £20 15-11-2019
Alex Fontaine 19 D RC £80 £10k £18k 15-11-2019
Dominic Grondin 20 AM C £110 £21k £33k 15-11-2019
William Lindqvist 20 D C £60 £460 £550 15-11-2019
Felix Ferahyan 19 GK £70 £9k £13k 15-11-2019
Pasi Forsman 21 DM £100 £11k £11k 15-11-2019
Mehdi El Moutacim 17 GK £70 £9k £3k 15-11-2019
Donald Bendé Bendé 22 AM C £60 £780 £580 15-11-2019
Andreas Wahlstedt 19 M C £60 £610 £830 15-11-2019
Simon Lindholm 16 M C £10 £370 £730 15-11-2019
Jakob Gottberg 15 AM RL £10 £340 £710 15-11-2019
Marc Kouadjo 17 AM R £10 £480 £810 15-11-2019

Ekenäs IF Loaned Out Players in FM19

Players out on loan from Ekenäs IF in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ulrich Méléké 19 D C £240 £61k £26k 31-05-2019

Ekenäs IF Staff in FM19

Ekenäs IF Staff in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Gabri García 30 Manager (First Team)
Jens Mattfolk 37 Head of Youth Development
Maria Degerlund 36 Head Physio
Peter Haglund 55 Director of Football
Johan Estlander 29 Player/Coach (First Team) £160 15-11-2019
Guillem Santesmases 24 Assistant Manager (First Team)
Oscar Forsström 35 GK Coach (First Team)
Svante Eklund 58 Chairman

Ekenäs IF Peaked Players in FM19

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ville Sevón 24 D/AM R £60 £300 £190 15-11-2019