This page refers to an older game FM19. View Cape Umoya United Football Club in all games.

Cape Umoya United Football Club are a team in Football Manager 2019. Cape Umoya Utd play in the South African National First Division in South Africa in FM 19. Cape Umoya United Football Club are a playable team in FM2019.

Cape Umoya United Football Club
South Africa
South African National First Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Cape Umoya United Football Club Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Cape Umoya United Football Club will be Poor

Cape Umoya United Football Club Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Cape Umoya United Football Club in Football Manager 2019?

This is a guide to managing Cape Umoya United Football Club in FM19. If you want to play Football Manager 2019 with an updated Cape Umoya United Football Club squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM19 Update which updates the Football Manager 2019 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2019 Data Update you can download.

Cape Umoya United Football Club Players in FM19

All Cape Umoya United Football Club Players in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Erick Chipeta 27 D C £630 £16k £8k
Roscoe Pietersen 29 D C, DM £730 £18k £13k
Wangu Gome 25 AM RLC £2k £95k £35k
Letsie Koapeng 26 AM/F C £1k £37k £18k
Nathan Paulse 36 ST £700 £2k £3k
Toriq Losper 26 AM RC £1k £43k £18k 30-06-2019
Manti Mekoa 32 M C £780 £15k £8k
Brandon Theron 25 AM C £970 £34k £20k 30-06-2019
Dino Visser 28 GK £820 £30k £15k
Katlego Otladisa 21 AM R £930 £37k £45k 30-06-2019
Shane Saralina 20 D LC £520 £29k £45k
Tawfeeq Salie 26 GK £630 £11k £10k
Zama Rambuwane 21 AM LC £950 £44k £49k 30-06-2019
Nyiko Tshabangu 29 AM L £700 £18k £5k
Sphamandla Mlilo 23 D RC £680 £24k £35k
Siphiwe Mnguni 24 D R £720 £20k £18k
Yanga Baliso 21 AM LC £990 £41k £45k 30-06-2019
Khulekani Kubheka 19 GK £640 £34k £54k 30-06-2019
Yusuf Maart 22 AM L £730 £20k £16k 30-06-2019
Peter Molete 23 D/WB L £700 £25k £20k
Nuzhad Pail 24 AM C £660 £21k £7k
Temptation Chiwunga 26 M C £380 £8k £550
Sipho Senne 23 AM R £550 £16k £9k
Brooklyn Poggenpoel 18 D RC, DM £470 £23k £40k 30-06-2019
Masixole Nkewana 24 AM R £630 £15k £3k 30-06-2019
Givemore Khupe 18 D C £430 £22k £39k 30-06-2019
Gavin Hammers 27 AM R, ST £700 £16k £5k
Joslin Kamatuka 26 AM R £420 £9k £560
Jermaine George 17 AM L, ST £20 £18k £35k
Aqeel Jappie 20 D C £230 £11k £14k
Katlego Khunou 20 ST £330 £16k £20k
George Matlou 19 AM L £330 £10k £14k 30-06-2019
Jordan De Sá 19 D L £190 £11k £16k

Cape Umoya United Football Club Staff in FM19

Cape Umoya United Football Club Staff in Football Manager 2019

Cape Umoya United Football Club Peaked Players in FM19

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Erick Chipeta 27 D C £630 £16k £8k
Letsie Koapeng 26 AM/F C £1k £37k £18k