This page refers to an older game FM19. View Fatsa Belediyespor in all games.

Fatsa Belediyespor are a team in Football Manager 2019. Fatsa Bld. play in the Spor Toto 3. Lig 3. Grup in Turkey in FM 19.

Fatsa Belediyespor
Spor Toto 3. Lig 3. Grup
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Fatsa Belediyespor Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Fatsa Belediyespor will be Poor

Fatsa Belediyespor Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Fatsa Belediyespor in Football Manager 2019?

This is a guide to managing Fatsa Belediyespor in FM19. If you want to play Football Manager 2019 with an updated Fatsa Belediyespor squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM19 Update which updates the Football Manager 2019 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2019 Data Update you can download.

Fatsa Belediyespor Players in FM19

All Fatsa Belediyespor Players in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ali Say 24 AM R £740 £30k £23k 31-05-2020
Serkan Çalik 32 AM RL, ST £620 £16k £6k 31-05-2020
Ercüment Balikci 28 AM C £280 £19k £8k 31-05-2020
Fatih Çolak 24 D C £220 £14k £5k 31-05-2020
Berkay Özçelik 28 D C £130 £8k £8k 31-05-2020
Ömer Can 26 GK £110 £5k £2k 31-05-2020
Ali Koçak 24 AM C £100 £6k £3k 31-05-2020
Hüseyin Tokmak 24 D R £100 £5k £3k 30-06-2019
Sergen Çelik 24 DM £100 £3k £3k 31-05-2019
Rıdvan Sönmez 29 M C £100 £240 £260 31-05-2020
Yakup Kayış 28 D L £100 £210 £230 31-05-2020
Fatih Çakır 28 AM/F C £100 £2k £2k 31-05-2019
Mehmet Seçme 21 AM RL £180 £4k £3k 31-05-2021
Ömürcan Çavusoğlu 27 GK £100 £190 £200 31-05-2020
Abdulkadir Kaplan 29 ST £100 £210 £210 31-05-2019
İsmail Çavuşluk 22 ST £310 £500 £340 30-06-2019
Selim Dilli 20 D L £100 £210 £220 31-05-2020
Vedat Erçin 20 ST £100 £250 £270 30-06-2019
Hüseyin Atasoy 24 D C £100 £220 £220 31-05-2020
Mehmet Kalkan 22 D C £100 £220 £220 31-05-2020
Ahmed Tekçam 19 M C £100 £240 £240 31-05-2021
Şefik Koz 19 AM RL £100 £250 £240 31-05-2021
Serkan Tunar 21 GK £100 £190 £180 31-05-2020
Ozan Dursun 19 AM RC £100 £250 £300 30-06-2019
Oğuzhan Kandemir 23 M C £100 £240 £240 31-05-2020
Sefa Öztürkmen 20 D RC £100 £210 £230 31-05-2020
Mertcan Yener 18 M C £100 £240 £290 31-05-2023

Fatsa Belediyespor Staff in FM19

Fatsa Belediyespor Staff in Football Manager 2019