This page refers to an older game FM19. View Wingate & Finchley in all games.

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Wingate & Finchley are a team in Football Manager 2019. Wingate & Finchley play in the English Isthmian League Premier Division in England in FM 19.

Wingate & Finchley
English Isthmian League Premier Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Wingate & Finchley Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Wingate & Finchley will be Poor

Wingate & Finchley Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Wingate & Finchley in Football Manager 2019?

This is a guide to managing Wingate & Finchley in FM19. If you want to play Football Manager 2019 with an updated Wingate & Finchley squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM19 Update which updates the Football Manager 2019 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2019 Data Update you can download.

Wingate & Finchley Players in FM19

All Wingate & Finchley Players in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Charlie Ruff 19 AM C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Scott Shulton 28 DM £100 £4k £4k 30-06-2019
Sean Cronin 32 D C £0 £0 £0
Carl Stewart 21 M C £0 £0 £40k
Calvin Ekpiteta 22 AM RLC, F C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Jake Hutchings 23 D RC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Samir Bihmoutine 24 D/WB/M L £150 £3k £3k
Alieu Njie 20 M RC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Layne Eadie 25 D/WB/M L £0 £0 £0
Tommy Tejan-Sie 29 M LC £0 £0 £0
Reece Beckles-Richards 22 AM RL, ST £150 £4k £4k 30-06-2018
Shane Gore 36 GK £0 £0 £0
David Manu 22 AM RL £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Luke Ifil 23 D RC, M C £0 £0 £0
Jake Eales 19 D C £0 £0 £0
Jack Humphrey 21 D C £0 £0 £0
Ola Williams 29 D/WB R £0 £0 £0
Rob Laney 22 ST £0 £0 £0
Marc Charles-Smith 33 ST £200 £430 £410 30-06-2018
Brandon McKenna 17 M C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Tanasheh Abrahams 23 M C £0 £0 £0
Billy Healey 30 AM/F C £0 £0 £0
Chace O'Neill 26 M RC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Claudiu Vîlcu 30 D C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Scott McCubbin 30 D R, M C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Timothy Monsheju 23 AM R, ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Ahmet Rifat 32 D C £250 £960 £870
Isaac Ebelebe 19 M RLC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Lewis Putman 27 AM L, ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2019
Charlie Cole 24 ST £0 £0 £0
Joe Sharpe 24 DM £100 £200 £160 30-06-2018
Sam Tring 19 D C £70 £260 £270 30-06-2019

Wingate & Finchley Staff in FM19

Wingate & Finchley Staff in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Richard Graham 38 Assistant Manager (First Team)
Dave Norman 58 Manager (First Team) £80
Gavin King 45 GK Coach (First Team)
Aron Sharpe 58 Chairman

Wingate & Finchley Peaked Players in FM19

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2019
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Tommy Tejan-Sie 29 M LC £0 £0 £0