This page refers to an older game FM21. View C River Plate in all games.

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C River Plate are a team in Football Manager 2021. River Plate (PAR) play in the Paraguay First Division Primera División in Paraguay in FM 21. River Plate (PAR) play at a stadium called "River Plate" in Football Manager 21.

C River Plate
Paraguay First Division Primera División
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

C River Plate Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by C River Plate will be Adequate

C River Plate Transfers

Looking for players to buy for C River Plate in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing C River Plate in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated C River Plate squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

C River Plate Players in FM21

All C River Plate Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Cristian Sosa 32 DM, M (C) £930 £133k £300m
Osmar Molinas 33 DM £2k £155k £300m
Alberto Contrera 28 AM (RLC) £1k £389k £428k
Marcos Acosta Rojas 28 D/WB/M (L) £930 £318k £701k
Librado Azcona 36 GK £1k £31k £300m
Dionisio Pérez 33 ST (C) £757 £69k £300m
Epifanio García 28 ST (C) £2k £468k £515k
Aldo Quiñónez 29 DM, M (C) £365 £239k £502k
José Luis Moreno 23 D (C) £2k £377k £1m
Marcelo González 24 AM (RL), ST (C) £168 £142k £447k
Pablo Zeballos 34 AM (C), ST (C) £2k £60k £300m
Diego Godoy 28 M/AM (LC) £757 £314k £629k
Luis Caballero 30 ST (C) £1k £333k £666k
Orlando Gallardo 26 D (R) £208 £178k £357k
Gustavo Giménez 33 D (R) £339 £81k £300m
Mario Saldivar 29 D (R) £699 £261k £261k
Ignacio Miño 28 M (C) £339 £232k £464k
Carlos Montiel 26 D (L) £312 £196k £177k
Alex Garcete 26 D (C) £339 £220k £396k
Mario Otazú 24 D/WB/M (L) £168 £132k £843k
Gustavo Serdán 25 GK £168 £105k £188k
Pedro Arce 28 AM (RL), ST (C) £208 £210k £189k
Gustavo Navarro 23 D (C) £100 £13k £931k
Sebastián Macías 24 D/WB (L) £208 £199k £843k 31-12-2021
Esteban Ruiz 23 GK £470 £210k £892k 31-12-2021
Marco Prieto 34 ST (C) £417 £27k £15k
Walter Bogado 21 M/AM (R) £100 £13k £944k
Walter Cabrera 30 D (C) £470 £227k £249k
Diego Melgarejo 23 D (L) £100 £12k £482k
Juan González 24 GK £100 £2k £304k
Rodrigo Vera 24 DM £100 £24k £370k
Gianlucca Fatecha 22 AM (C) £168 £139k £787k
Luis Giménez 21 D (C) £100 £5k £276k
Nicolás Morínigo 20 ST (C) £100 £3k £489k
Blás Melgarejo 23 M/AM (C) £100 £2k £407k
Justo Roa 24 M (C) £100 £11k £258k
César Castellano 20 D (C) £100 £469 £787k
Esteban Benítez 21 GK £100 £391 £400k
Matías Ortigoza 23 ST (C) £100 £703 £237k
Matías González 22 M (C) £100 £709 £382k
Francisco Bareiro 20 ST (C) £100 £703 £404k
Fernando Presentado 18 ST (C) £100 £4k £478k
Nicolás Rojas 21 D (L) £100 £597 £200k
Walter Gaona 18 M/AM (R) £100 £522 £289k
Juan Guerrero 24 ST (C) £100 £36k £18k

C River Plate Staff in FM21

C River Plate Staff in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Mario Jara 40 Manager (First Team)
Sebastián Ariosa 35 Assistant Manager (First Team)
Ulises Lezcano 34 GK Coach (First Team)
Carlos Ortega 67 Chairman
Franco Iazzetta 36 Fitness Coach (First Team)
Santiago Pérez 34 Assistant Manager (First Team)

C River Plate Peaked Players in FM21

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Cristian Sosa 32 DM, M (C) £930 £133k £300m
Osmar Molinas 33 DM £2k £155k £300m
Gustavo Giménez 33 D (R) £339 £81k £300m