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Santos de Guápiles FC are a team in Football Manager 2021. Santos (CRC) play in the Primera División de Costa Rica in Costa Rica in FM 21. Santos (CRC) play at a stadium called "Ebal Rodríguez Aguilar" in Football Manager 21.

Santos de Guápiles FC
Costa Rica
Primera División de Costa Rica
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Santos de Guápiles FC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Santos de Guápiles FC will be Average

Santos de Guápiles FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Santos de Guápiles FC in Football Manager 2021?

This is a guide to managing Santos de Guápiles FC in FM21. If you want to play Football Manager 2021 with an updated Santos de Guápiles FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM21 Update which updates the Football Manager 2021 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2021 Data Update you can download.

Santos de Guápiles FC Players in FM21

All Santos de Guápiles FC Players in Football Manager 2021
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Daniel Cambronero 34 GK £582 £132k £300m
Cristopher Meneses 30 D/WB (L) £1k £230k £505k
Michael Barquero 29 D/WB (L) £388 £99k £109k
Osvaldo Rodriguez 29 M/AM (RLC) £388 £350k £385k 31-12-2021
Kenny Cunningham 35 M/AM (RL) £1k £22k £25k
Bryan Lopez 30 AM (RL) £291 £94k £104k
Alvin Benneth 25 D (C) £155 £63k £69k
Juan Diego Madrigal 34 D (RC), WB (R) £485 £23k £26k
Douglas Forvis 28 GK £0 £26k £24k
Denilson Mason 21 DM, M (C) £0 £427 £136k
Javon East 25 AM (RL), ST (C) £100 £153k £138k
Roy Miller 35 D (LC) £993 £18k £35k
Mauricio Salas 24 DM, M (LC) £0 £427 £237k
Jason Ingram 22 D/WB (L) £0 £3k £47k
Anderson Núñez 22 M/AM (C) £0 £450 £136k
Luis Paradela 23 AM (LC), ST (C) £480 £56k £112k
Byron Gutiérrez 22 D/WB (R) £0 £427 £0
Emer Espinoza 25 GK £0 £337 £0
Pablo Arboine 22 D (C) £835 £405 £0 31-12-2021
Victor Griffith 19 DM, M (C) £0 £427 £0
Jossimar Méndez 18 ST (C) £0 £450 £0
Keyshwen Arboine 18 DM, M (C) £0 £427 £0
Douglas López 21 D/WB (R), DM £0 £427 £0
Denilson Mora 20 M/AM (L) £0 £450 £0
Gelmer Nuñez 20 M (RLC) £0 £427 £0
Jeremy Gómez 18 M (L) £0 £427 £0
Alexander Jiménez 19 D (C) £0 £405 £0
Adán Clímaco 19 D (RC) £0 £382 £0
Denilson Torres 20 M (RLC) £0 £427 £0
Anderson Trejos 21 GK £0 £337 £0
Armando Ruíz 18 M/AM (C) £0 £450 £0
Glen Casanova 16 M (RC) £55 £427 £0

Santos de Guápiles FC Staff in FM21

Santos de Guápiles FC Staff in Football Manager 2021