This page refers to an older game FM22. View Belgian Pro League A in all games.

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The Belgian Pro League A is a league in Football Manager 2022. Pro League A can be found in Belgium in FM 22. The Belgian Pro League A is playable in FM2022.

This page describes Belgian Pro League A in FM22 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM22 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM22 Database Update instead.

Belgian Pro League A
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Manage in Belgian Pro League A in Football Manager 2022

Are you looking to manage a team in Belgian Pro League A in FM22? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Belgian Pro League A and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
AA Gent £2m £4m £293k 20.97 19,900 Excellent Great Average 74 77
Anderlecht £12m £3m £393k 19.48 19,300 Superb Excellent Excellent 75 79
Antwerp £4m £855k £353k 21.06 11,595 Great Good Adequate 74 78
Beerschot VA £-3m £428k £108k 20.98 8,500 Good Great Average 70 74
Cercle Brugge £-2m £0 £125k 20.37 5,280 Great Good Average 69 74
Charleroi £8m £2m £109k 19.58 9,100 Great Great Average 70 75
Club Brugge £10m £3m £528k 20.19 25,900 Best Superb Excellent 77 80
Eupen £-1m £99k £128k 20.72 2,500 Good Great Average 70 74
KRC Genk £8m £4m £282k 19.11 17,100 Superb Superb Excellent 74 78
KV Kortrijk £6m £428k £137k 20.67 8,000 Good Good Adequate 72 76
KV Mechelen £7m £257k £126k 20.72 11,000 Great Great Average 71 75
OH Leuven £-1m £2m £147k 20.21 7,500 Good Good Average 71 75
Oostende £10m £2m £101k 20.21 6,700 Excellent Great Average 70 76
RFC Seraing £21k £0 £38k 20.87 900 Average Good Adequate 68 73
Sint-Truiden £7m £1m £124k 20.59 10,300 Great Great Average 72 75
Standard £5m £2m £231k 20.29 24,000 Excellent Superb Excellent 73 77
Union SG £4m £19k £89k 20.45 3,350 Good Good Average 72 76
Zulte Waregem £-5k £1m £175k 20.83 8,500 Great Great Good 72 75