This page refers to an older game FM22. View New Caledonian Promotion d'Honneur Maré in all games.

The New Caledonian Promotion d'Honneur Maré is a league in Football Manager 2022. Promotion d'Honneur Maré can be found in New Caledonia in FM 22.
This page describes New Caledonian Promotion d'Honneur Maré in FM22 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM22 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM22 Database Update instead.
- Name
New Caledonian Promotion d'Honneur Maré
- Nation
New Caledonia
- Total Teams
- 1
- Reputation
- 7
- Avg Balance
- £0
- Avg Age
- Avg Training
- Avg Youth Rating
- Avg Academy
- Avg Rep
- 18
- Avg Attendance
- Avg Rating
- 0
- Avg Potential
- 0
Manage in New Caledonian Promotion d'Honneur Maré in Football Manager 2022
Are you looking to manage a team in New Caledonian Promotion d'Honneur Maré in FM22? Why not try finding a random team to manage in New Caledonian Promotion d'Honneur Maré and then share your career in our Careers Section.
Name | Balance | Budget | Wage | Avg Age | Avg Att | Training | Newgens | Yth Recruitment | Rating | Potential | |
![]() |
ES Wacaelé | £0 | £0 | £0 | 0 | Poor | Poor | Limited | 0 | 0 |