This page refers to an older game FM23. View Mumbai Kenkre in all games.

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Mumbai Kenkre are a team in Football Manager 2023. Kenkre FC play in the Indian National Football League in India in FM 23. Mumbai Kenkre are a playable team in FM2023. Kenkre FC play at a stadium called "Cooperage Ground" in Football Manager 23.

Mumbai Kenkre
Indian National Football League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Mumbai Kenkre Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Mumbai Kenkre will be Poor

Mumbai Kenkre Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Mumbai Kenkre in Football Manager 2023?

This is a guide to managing Mumbai Kenkre in FM23. If you want to play Football Manager 2023 with an updated Mumbai Kenkre squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM23 Update which updates the Football Manager 2023 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2023 Data Update you can download.

Mumbai Kenkre Players in FM23

All Mumbai Kenkre Players in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ben Ouattara 24 AM L, ST £820 £14k £810 31-05-2023
Anjan Bista 24 AM R, ST £650 £13k £760 31-05-2023
Samandar Ochilov 26 D C £540 £13k £710 31-05-2023
Pravitto Raju 25 AM R £230 £5k £270 31-05-2023
Kenstar Kharshong 23 D C £230 £10k £500 31-05-2023
Vijay Nagappan 26 AM LC, ST £120 £5k £260 31-05-2023
Al Azhar Delhiwala 22 D/WB RL £140 £15k £750 31-05-2024
Kynsai Khongsit 21 D/WB RL £200 £23k £1k 31-05-2023
Deependra Negi 23 DM, AM RC £440 £9k £460 31-05-2024
Suraj Negi 26 D/WB RL £140 £4k £190 31-05-2023
Rinaldo Fernandes 26 AM RL £200 £4k £220 31-05-2023
Tenzin Samdup 29 GK £120 £3k £150 31-05-2023
Lovepreet Singh 23 GK £200 £2k £690 31-05-2024
Nitesh Aswani 26 D RLC £160 £3k £150 31-05-2023
Arvindraj Rajan 26 WB R, DM, M LC £200 £0 £0
Siddharth Colaco 25 AM RLC £150 £0 £0 31-05-2024
Padam Chettri 24 GK £130 £5k £230 31-05-2023
Yogesh Kadam 28 AM RL, ST £130 £0 £0 31-05-2023
Yash Mhatre 27 AM RL, ST £130 £2k £650 31-05-2023
Banpynkhrawnam Nongkhlaw 24 D RC £180 £5k £230 31-05-2023
Papuia 22 D C £140 £0 £0 31-05-2023
Azza Noorani 23 AM RL £130 £0 £0 31-05-2024
Ranjeet Singh Pandre 27 ST £110 £2k £620 31-05-2023
Aniket Panchal 20 DM £270 £17k £840 31-05-2023
Aayush Shah 24 GK £0 £0 £0
Kiran Pandhare 28 M RC £130 £0 £0 31-05-2023
Ahmed Faiz Khan 26 D C, DM £160 £2k £510 31-05-2023
Arya Gandharva 19 AM RL, ST £110 £17k £830 31-05-2023
Jay Bhavnani 21 ST £220 £17k £850 31-05-2024
Aman Gaikwad 21 M LC £110 £17k £13k 31-05-2023

Mumbai Kenkre Staff in FM23

Mumbai Kenkre Staff in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Akhil Kothari 26 Manager (First Team) £0
Sunny Israni 38 Head Physio £110
Adib Kenkre 51 Chairman £0
Joshua Lewis 41 Managing Director £0
Mangesh Desai 38 Assistant Manager (First Team) £230
Sachin Narsappa 37 Coach (First Team) £140

Mumbai Kenkre Peaked Players in FM23

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Yash Mhatre 27 AM RL, ST £130 £2k £650 31-05-2023
Arvindraj Rajan 26 WB R, DM, M LC £200 £0 £0
Kiran Pandhare 28 M RC £130 £0 £0 31-05-2023
Tenzin Samdup 29 GK £120 £3k £150 31-05-2023
Suraj Negi 26 D/WB RL £140 £4k £190 31-05-2023