This page refers to an older game FM23. View Deportivo Coopsol in all games.

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Deportivo Coopsol are a team in Football Manager 2023. Deportivo Coopsol play in the Peruvian Second Division in Peru in FM 23. Deportivo Coopsol play at a stadium called "Rómulo Shaw Cisneros" in Football Manager 23.

Deportivo Coopsol
Peruvian Second Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Deportivo Coopsol Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Deportivo Coopsol will be Poor

Deportivo Coopsol Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Deportivo Coopsol in Football Manager 2023?

This is a guide to managing Deportivo Coopsol in FM23. If you want to play Football Manager 2023 with an updated Deportivo Coopsol squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM23 Update which updates the Football Manager 2023 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2023 Data Update you can download.

Deportivo Coopsol Players in FM23

All Deportivo Coopsol Players in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Christian Ortiz 32 GK £520 £24m 31-12-2023
Rodin Quiñónes 27 AM R, ST £1k £80k £6k
Pedro Gutiérrez 30 AM RL £1k £55k £4k
Yony Angulo 32 ST £340 £12k £920
Farih Jasaui 30 D/WB L £1k £80k £6k 31-12-2023
Christian Adrianzén 28 AM RL £970 £97k £7k 31-12-2023
Dick Ríos 34 AM C £820 £4k £300
Carlos Caicedo 29 ST £640 £28k £2k
Diego Otoya 31 D C, DM £580 £21k £2k
César Barco 24 D/WB R £520 £50k £4k 31-12-2023
Giovany Morales 30 DM £340 £37k £3k 31-12-2023
José Gómez 28 D/WB L £340 £17k £1k
Agustín Fazio 27 ST £310 £37k £3k 31-12-2023
Dbray Torres 25 D C £330 £18k £1k
Fernando Leguía 21 AM RLC £320 £46k £3k
Gliden Dubois 22 D/WB/M R £320 £51k £4k
Facundo Reynoso 29 AM/F C £280 £30k £2k 31-12-2023
Denilson Gonzáles 23 AM RLC £300 £40k £3k 31-12-2023
Jorge Arteaga 23 GK £290 £35k £20k 31-12-2023
Luis Valverde 22 D LC £240 £56k £44k
Axel Gadea 18 AM R £230 £47k £81k 31-12-2023
Steven Fernández 22 AM R, ST £230 £39k £30k
Luis García 22 GK £220 £52k £40k 31-12-2023
Piero Becerra 23 DM £200 £26k £14k
Brayan Castillo 22 D C £190 £49k £37k
Orlando Cúneo 19 D C £180 £9k £14k
Félix Barahona 20 DM £150 £9k £11k
Richar Bazán 20 AM R, ST £150 £9k £11k
José Galarreta 20 AM RL £150 £9k £11k
Franco León 24 D LC £0 £0 £0 31-12-2023

Deportivo Coopsol Staff in FM23

Deportivo Coopsol Staff in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Edgar Huarcaya 59 Chief Doctor £0
Aldo Forttini 50 Doctor (First Team) £0
Freddy Ames 47 Chairman £0
Antonio Hernández 41 Doctor (First Team) £0 31-12-2019

Deportivo Coopsol Peaked Players in FM23

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2023
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Agustín Fazio 27 ST £310 £37k £3k 31-12-2023
Pedro Gutiérrez 30 AM RL £1k £55k £4k
Giovany Morales 30 DM £340 £37k £3k 31-12-2023
Diego Otoya 31 D C, DM £580 £21k £2k
Christian Adrianzén 28 AM RL £970 £97k £7k 31-12-2023
Christian Ortiz 32 GK £520 £24m 31-12-2023