Use our FM 24 random club generator to choose a random club to manage in Football Manager 2024
Our random club picker generates 3 random clubs at a time and you can keep refreshing as many times as you like until you find a suitable club.
- Average Age 22.5
- Bank Balance £2m
- Transfer Budget £343k
- Wage Budget £33k
- Stadium Capacity 4,070
- Average Attendance 780
- Training Facilities Good
- Youth Facilities Good
- Youth Academy Good
- Youth Recruitment Good
- Reputation 105 / 200
Best Player
Marko Docić
- Age
- 30
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- DM, M LC
- Ability
- Potential
High Potential Player
Mihajlo Cvetković
- Age
- 16
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- Ability
- Potential
- Average Age 23.83
- Bank Balance £203k
- Transfer Budget £34k
- Wage Budget £6k
- Stadium Capacity 3,214
- Average Attendance 400
- Training Facilities Below Average
- Youth Facilities Below Average
- Youth Academy Average
- Youth Recruitment Adequate
- Reputation 58 / 200
Best Player
Jovan Stojanović
- Age
- 31
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- Ability
- Potential
High Potential Player
Luka Đokić
- Age
- 18
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- D LC
- Ability
- Potential
- Average Age 24.56
- Bank Balance £217k
- Transfer Budget £43k
- Wage Budget £4k
- Stadium Capacity 10,249
- Average Attendance 770
- Training Facilities Below Average
- Youth Facilities Below Average
- Youth Academy Average
- Youth Recruitment Adequate
- Reputation 50 / 200
Best Player
Vladimir Silađi
- Age
- 30
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- AM/F C
- Ability
- Potential
High Potential Player
Andrej Đukić
- Age
- 20
- Nationality
- Serbia
- Position
- Ability
- Potential