This page refers to an older game FM24. View Russian Premier League in all games.

The Russian Premier League is a league in Football Manager 2024. Premier League can be found in Russia in FM 24. The Russian Premier League is playable in FM2024.

This page describes Russian Premier League in FM24 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24 Database Update instead.

Russian Premier League
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Manage in Russian Premier League in Football Manager 2024

Are you looking to manage a team in Russian Premier League in FM24? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Russian Premier League and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Akhmat £6m £429k £218k 23.23 4,742 Good Below Average Adequate 71 73
Baltika £2m £2k £130k 22.06 11,074 Below Average Below Average Basic 70 73
CSKA Moscow £35m £4m £377k 21.48 9,665 Great Average Average 75 78
Dinamo Moscow £8m £3m £402k 20.47 9,113 Excellent Great Average 74 77
Fakel £2m £43k £103k 23.27 11,171 Adequate Below Average Limited 68 70
Krasnodar £35m £3m £377k 21.21 22,831 Excellent Excellent Adequate 74 78
Krylja Sovetov £6m £857k £181k 21.87 8,373 Average Adequate Adequate 71 75
Lokomotiv Moscow £41m £3m £371k 20.9 7,617 Great Average Average 74 78
Orenburg £3m £43k £175k 21.63 3,728 Below Average Basic Limited 71 74
Pari NN £4m £43k £154k 23.08 6,937 Adequate Below Average Basic 69 73
Rostov £2m £429k £271k 20.75 11,018 Average Below Average Adequate 72 77
Rubin £9m £300k £215k 24.44 7,177 Excellent Average Average 70 73
Sochi £18m £5m £221k 22.45 4,411 Adequate Basic Limited 72 75
Spartak Moscow £52m £6m £595k 21.09 14,936 Great Great Excellent 75 79
Ural £5m £86k £185k 24.41 9,850 Average Adequate Fairly Basic 71 73
Zenit £87m £6m £599k 21.65 26,913 Great Good Adequate 77 80