This page refers to an older game FM24. View Bundesliga 2 in all games.

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The Bundesliga 2 is a league in Football Manager 2024. Bundesliga 2 can be found in Germany in FM 24. The Bundesliga 2 is playable in FM2024.

This page describes Bundesliga 2 in FM24 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24 Database Update instead.

Bundesliga 2
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Manage in Bundesliga 2 in Football Manager 2024

Are you looking to manage a team in Bundesliga 2 in FM24? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Bundesliga 2 and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Braunschweig £1m £129k £138k 20.86 19,208 Average Adequate Fairly Basic 71 74
Elversberg £-1m £86k £102k 23.64 5,201 Adequate Basic Basic 71 74
Fortuna Düsseldorf £1m £643k £229k 19.15 30,836 Good Average Adequate 74 78
Greuther Fürth £1m £214k £167k 19.93 11,142 Great Average Adequate 72 77
Hamburg £11m £643k £350k 19.58 53,466 Excellent Good Adequate 75 78
Hannover 96 £4m £429k £237k 19.87 30,616 Great Good Average 73 77
Hansa Rostock £1m £214k £158k 20.58 24,335 Great Average Adequate 72 75
Hertha BSC £5m £429k £363k 19.66 51,147 Excellent Great Average 74 78
Kaiserslautern £8m £343k £189k 20.14 40,148 Great Average Adequate 72 75
Karlsruhe £4m £171k £170k 20.24 18,839 Great Good Adequate 73 75
Kiel £3m £300k £168k 21.71 12,348 Average Adequate Fairly Basic 73 76
Magdeburg £2m £129k £124k 20.48 22,710 Average Adequate Adequate 71 74
Nürnberg £-4m £257k £203k 20.19 29,664 Great Good Adequate 73 77
Osnabrück £2m £129k £131k 21.54 9,312 Average Adequate Adequate 70 74
SC Paderborn £2m £214k £138k 19.54 11,891 Good Adequate Fairly Basic 72 76
Schalke 04 £-100m £429k £372k 20.43 60,691 Excellent Excellent Good 74 78
St. Pauli £3m £214k £236k 19.93 29,363 Good Average Fairly Basic 73 76
SV Wehen Wiesbaden £-866k £86k £109k 22.34 2,324 Average Below Average Fairly Basic 71 74