This page refers to an older game FM24. View Italian Serie B in all games.

Serie BKT Trophy.jpg Thumbnail

The Italian Serie B is a league in Football Manager 2024. Serie B can be found in Italy in FM 24. The Italian Serie B is playable in FM2024.

This page describes Italian Serie B in FM24 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24 Database Update instead.

Italian Serie B
Total Teams
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Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Italian Serie B in Football Manager 2024

Are you looking to manage a team in Italian Serie B in FM24? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Italian Serie B and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Ascoli £3m £857k £130k 20.73 6,900 Good Adequate Adequate 71 75
Bari £5m £857k £139k 22.02 20,000 Average Average Adequate 73 75
Brescia £6m £857k £111k 20.29 6,500 Great Good Average 71 75
Catanzaro £2m £600k £143k 20.38 9,992 Good Adequate Adequate 73 76
Cittadella £3m £600k £117k 20.63 3,521 Adequate Adequate Fairly Basic 70 73
Como £9m £857k £283k 20.62 5,140 Average Average Average 74 78
Cosenza £2m £600k £84k 20.66 5,682 Good Adequate Adequate 72 76
Cremonese £10m £3m £268k 20.52 9,000 Excellent Average Adequate 74 78
Feralpisalò £852k £600k £115k 21.76 1,200 Below Average Adequate Fairly Basic 70 75
Lecco £1m £600k £65k 21.56 4,181 Below Average Below Average Fairly Basic 71 75
Modena £2m £857k £153k 19.86 9,050 Adequate Adequate Adequate 72 76
Palermo £4m £3m £281k 20.43 20,029 Great Average Adequate 74 78
Parma £13m £3m £405k 19.29 11,158 Excellent Good Adequate 74 80
Pisa £5m £3m £263k 21.52 6,684 Average Adequate Fairly Basic 73 78
Reggiana £2m £600k £117k 20.8 9,500 Average Adequate Adequate 71 76
Sampdoria £10m £3m £304k 18.91 22,612 Superb Good Adequate 74 80
Spezia £11m £3m £250k 19.71 9,256 Average Good Adequate 73 78
Südtirol £2m £600k £146k 21.39 966 Great Adequate Adequate 71 74
Ternana £2m £600k £82k 19.78 5,559 Good Adequate Fairly Basic 71 77
Venezia £4m £857k £258k 20.27 6,074 Average Adequate Adequate 74 78