This page refers to an older game FM24. View Bolivian Second Division in all games.

The Bolivian Second Division is a league in Football Manager 2024. Second Division can be found in Bolivia in FM 24.

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Bolivian Second Division
Total Teams
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Manage in Bolivian Second Division in Football Manager 2024

Are you looking to manage a team in Bolivian Second Division in FM24? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Bolivian Second Division and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
24 de Septiembre £0 £0 £0 28.5 0 Poor Poor Basic 57 59
ABB £0 £0 £0 22 0 Poor Poor Basic 5 6
Alianza Beni £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Basic 0 0
Atlético Bermejo £0 £0 £0 25.43 0 Poor Poor Basic 40 43
Atlético Sucre £0 £0 £0 28.75 0 Poor Poor Limited 46 48
Chaco Petrolero £121k £0 £0 25.67 0 Poor Poor Basic 16 17
Ciclón £0 £0 £0 27.22 0 Poor Poor Basic 51 55
Deportivo FATIC £0 £0 £0 25.83 0 Basic Poor Basic 61 66
Deportivo Municipal £0 £0 £0 29.14 0 Poor Poor Basic 39 40
E.M. Huanuni £122k £0 £0 26.33 0 Poor Poor Basic 34 36
Enrique Happ £0 £0 £0 27.57 0 Basic Below Average Average 38 41
Fancesa £0 £0 £0 28.5 0 Poor Poor Basic 23 24
García Ágreda £0 £0 £0 27 0 Poor Poor Basic 28 30
Hiska Nacional £0 £0 £0 24.33 0 Poor Poor Limited 34 36
Huracán de Tupiza £0 £0 £0 35 0 Poor Poor Limited 5 5
Israel University £0 £0 £0 20.5 0 Poor Basic Basic 11 13
Libertad Gran Mamoré £294k £0 £0 25.92 0 Below Average Basic Fairly Basic 66 69
Los Almendros £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Basic 0 0
Municipalidad de Yacuiba £0 £0 £0 28.4 0 Poor Poor Limited 29 30
Nacional Sucre £0 £0 £0 25.29 0 Poor Poor Limited 39 43
Nueva Santa Cruz Academia £0 £0 £0 27.35 0 Basic Basic Basic 65 68
Palmaflor del Trópico £1m £0 £0 23.88 0 Adequate Adequate Adequate 40 44
Pasión Celeste £0 £0 £0 24.14 0 Poor Poor Limited 58 62
Poopó £0 £0 £0 25.67 0 Poor Poor Limited 17 18
Real Mapajo £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Basic 0 0
Real Mizque £0 £0 £0 28 0 Poor Poor Basic 58 60
Real Oruro £0 £0 £0 28.71 0 Basic Basic Basic 64 67
Real Potosí £2m £0 £0 26.76 0 Good Average Adequate 62 66
River 66 £0 £0 £0 31.5 0 Poor Poor Limited 24 24
Rosario Central (Potosí) £0 £0 £0 27.5 0 Poor Basic Fairly Basic 11 11
San Lorenzo F.C. (Beni) £0 £0 £0 23.42 0 Poor Poor Limited 61 67
Stormers San Lorenzo £100k £0 £0 22.69 0 Basic Poor Basic 59 65
SUR-CAR £0 £0 £0 27.86 0 Poor Poor Basic 40 42
Torre Fuerte £0 £0 £0 28.71 0 Poor Poor Basic 40 43
Universidad Cruceña £0 £0 £0 28.8 0 Basic Basic Basic 56 59
Universitario de Pando £147k £0 £0 25 0 Poor Poor Basic 34 36
Universitario del Beni £0 £0 £0 31.33 0 Basic Poor Basic 17 18
Vaca Díez £341k £0 £0 25.5 0 Basic Poor Basic 62 66