This page refers to an older game FM24. View Northern Mariana Islands in all games.

Northern Mariana Islands Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Northern Mariana Islands will be Poor

Northern Mariana Islands is a nation found Asia in Football Manager 2024. Northern Mariana Islands is also known as Blue Ayuyus in FM2024. People from Northern Mariana Islands are known as "Northern Marianas" in FM 2024.

This page describes Northern Mariana Islands in FM24 if you are looking for a FM24 Transfer Update? Check out our official sortitoutsi Football Manager Transfer Update to get an updated Football Manager 2024 database with all the latest squads, updated transfers and promotions and relegations.

Name Total Teams Avg Budget Avg Age Avg Training Avg Youth Avg Academy Avg Rep Avg Att Avg Rating Avg Potential
Northern Marianas League Division A 5 £0 22.69 1 1 1 5 25 6.34 7.04
Northern Marianas League Division B 3 £0 25.75 4 10 4.33 4.6
Northern Marianas Lower Division 7 £0 24.16 1 1 1 3 21 7.26 7.57
Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Tan Holdings Football Club 23.8 30 Poor Poor Limited 24 26
Sun Palace £0 £0 £0 23 10 Poor Poor Limited 22 23
World Resort £0 £0 £0 23.8 10 Poor Poor Limited 16 17
MP Utd £0 £0 £0 23.75 35 Poor Poor Average 15 17
Shirley's £0 £0 £0 25.75 10 Poor Poor Limited 13 14
Kanoa £0 £0 £0 24 15 Poor Poor Limited 7 7
Paire FC £0 £0 £0 24 30 Poor Poor Average 7 7
KFAS £0 £0 £0 20 25 Poor Poor Fairly Basic 6 7
Eleven Tiger £0 £0 £0 27 0 Poor Poor Limited 4 4
Teen Ayuyu A £0 £0 £0 19 20 Poor Poor Limited 3 4
Inter-Godfather's £0 £0 £0 27 40 Poor Poor Adequate 3 3
All Blue £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Okadaya £0 £0 £0 20 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Teen Ayuyu B £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
The Old B Bank £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Island Star £0 £0 £0 0 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Michiteru Mita 48 Manager (First Team) 31-01-2019