This page refers to an older game FM24. View Spirit FC in all games.

Spirit FC are a team in Football Manager 2024. Spirit FC play in the National Premier Leagues - NSW in Australia in FM 24. Spirit FC play at a stadium called "Christie Park" in Football Manager 24.

Spirit FC
National Premier Leagues - NSW
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Spirit FC Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Spirit FC will be Below Average

Spirit FC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Spirit FC in Football Manager 2024?

This is a guide to managing Spirit FC in FM24. If you want to play Football Manager 2024 with an updated Spirit FC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM24 Update which updates the Football Manager 2024 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2024 Data Update you can download.

Spirit FC Players in FM24

All Spirit FC Players in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Gianni Bouzoukis 24 ST £320 £61k £4k 30-09-2024
Ante Bakmaz 31 D C £290 £20m 30-09-2024
Jared Lum 30 AM R £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Musashi Kokubo 29 M C £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Luiz Lobo 32 AM RC, F C £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Kota Odakura 27 D C £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Michael Konestabo 25 AM L, ST £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Grant Cornwell 32 D C £300 £1k £80 30-09-2022
Jack Greenwood 23 GK £300 £1k £70 30-09-2024
Mitchell Davidson 30 AM L £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Richie Darko 26 AM L, ST £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jake Mamone 25 D R, DM £280 £1k £80 30-09-2022
Oliver Wiggin 23 M C £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Chris Marques 25 GK £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Abuzar Awaz 26 DM £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jacob Madden 31 GK £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Paul Katsetis 27 AM LC £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jordan Gómez 24 AM/F C £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Corey Kavanagh 21 D/M L £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Blake Ilitch 22 D C £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Simon Nicholas 24 D/WB L £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Brayden Burr 19 AM RC £290 £0 £0 30-09-2024
Kyle Shaw 18 D C £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jose Teal Meson 21 AM R, ST £280 £0 £0 30-09-2022
Federico Gagliano 19 D RC £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
George Kriezis 20 D L, DM £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Maisam Awaz 17 M C £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jack Berte 20 M C £290 £0 £0 30-09-2022
Billy Mayhew 18 ST £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Zac Kalogerou 21 M C £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Adam O'Connor 19 AM C £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Zachary Khater 18 AM R £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Aziz Dajani 18 ST £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Cruz Horvath 20 D C £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Tsai Ping-han 19 D RL £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Austin Oates 19 M C £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jensen Vout 19 M C £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Joel Wade 19 GK £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Harry Keys 18 D R £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Emre Nizam 19 AM L £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Kyle Bennett 19 D L £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jake McLeod 18 D C £280 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Noah Peacock 18 AM R £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Adrian Rizzuto 18 GK £300 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Sousa Hyeon-Seok 17 M C £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023
Jack Nercessian 16 D C £290 £0 £0 30-09-2023

Spirit FC Staff in FM24

Spirit FC Staff in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
David Perkovic 41 Manager (First Team) £0 30-09-2028