This page refers to an older game FM24. View Kozakken Boys in all games.

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Kozakken Boys are a team in Football Manager 2024. Kozakken Boys play in the Dutch Tweede Divisie in Netherlands in FM 24. Kozakken Boys play at a stadium called "Sportpark de Zwaaier" in Football Manager 24.

Kozakken Boys
Dutch Tweede Divisie
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Kozakken Boys Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Kozakken Boys will be Poor

Kozakken Boys Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Kozakken Boys in Football Manager 2024?

This is a guide to managing Kozakken Boys in FM24. If you want to play Football Manager 2024 with an updated Kozakken Boys squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM24 Update which updates the Football Manager 2024 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2024 Data Update you can download.

Kozakken Boys Players in FM24

All Kozakken Boys Players in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Mario Bilate 31 AM/F C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Philippe van Arnhem 26 M C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Lorenzo Piqué 32 D RLC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Raily Ignacio 36 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Gwaeron Stout 29 DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2026
Mike van de Meulenhof 24 GK £0 £0 £0 30-06-2023
Niek Hoogveld 24 D RC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Jethro Mashart 23 D/WB L £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Ugur Altintas 24 AM C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Coen Maertzdorf 29 AM RL £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Jeffrey Neral 25 D/WB R, DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Bryan Janssen 28 GK £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Raies Roshanali 27 M LC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Rick Wouters 25 D LC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Frenk Keukens 27 D/WB R £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Lowie van Zundert 24 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2023
Amine Essabri 21 AM RL £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Dico Jap Tjong 24 AM RLC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Sergio Hughes 21 AM RL £0 £0 £0 30-06-2023
Sergio Tremour 21 AM RL, ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Noël Hendriks 21 D RC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Mohamed Mahmoed 28 M C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Jordi van Lunteren 19 AM RLC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Kevin Rook 21 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Amadou van Leeuwen 20 D RC £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Chahir Eugenia 21 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Michael Angelo Mathilda 21 GK £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Johnny Lommers 25 ST £0 £0 £0 30-06-2025
Storm Hop 20 D C £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024

Kozakken Boys Loaned Out Players in FM24

Players out on loan from Kozakken Boys in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Giannique de Vulder 19 D/WB L £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024
Fabian Korporaal 25 D C, DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2024

Kozakken Boys Staff in FM24

Kozakken Boys Staff in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Mourad Mghizrat 48 Assistant Manager (First Team) £340 30-06-2024
Edwin Grünholz 53 Manager (First Team) £0 30-06-2025
Francois van Gool 47 GK Coach (First Team) £180 30-06-2024
Martin Clerx 62 Manager (Reserve Team) £0 30-06-2024
Koert Poppelaars 47 Head Physio £0 30-06-2024
Gert-Jan Kortlever 34 Physio (First Team) £160 30-06-2024
Rien Langen 72 Physio (First Team) £0 30-06-2023