This page refers to an older game FM24. View Zizwe Utd in all games.

Zizwe Utd are a team in Football Manager 2024. Zizwe Utd play in the SAFA Western Cape Division 2 in South Africa in FM 24.

Zizwe Utd
South Africa
SAFA Western Cape Division 2
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Fairly Basic
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Zizwe Utd Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Zizwe Utd will be Below Average

Zizwe Utd Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Zizwe Utd in Football Manager 2024?

This is a guide to managing Zizwe Utd in FM24. If you want to play Football Manager 2024 with an updated Zizwe Utd squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM24 Update which updates the Football Manager 2024 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2024 Data Update you can download.

Zizwe Utd Players in FM24

All Zizwe Utd Players in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Mpho Erasmus 36 D C, ST £420 £0 £0
Xhanti Mesana 27 DM £520 £9k £630
Blessing Makhathini 34 GK £210 £2k £130
Khanyiso Matomane 34 D LC £310 £0 £0
Masonwabe Bovu 36 D/AM L £330 £0 £0
Andisiwe Mtsila 28 M C £470 £8k £560
Sifiso Ntjolo 33 M C £340 £2k £120
Philani Dlamini 30 AM L £410 £6k £410
Joseph Chikila 33 AM R £250 £1k £90
Nkane Zwane 33 ST £240 £1k £70
Aviwe Ndzwangu 26 GK £360 £5k £310
Luyolo Mapolisa 40 D R £220 £0 £0
Jumbo Mayekiso 29 AM L £250 £4k £280
Wongezile Mpoki 27 D/WB R £300 £4k £270
Mzukisi Mxonywa 32 D/M L £300 £2k £130
Sebastian Lucas 24 D RC £300 £4k £270
Odwa Salakaphatwa 33 AM R £200 £0 £0
Nkosi Magobolo 26 M C £210 £4k £230
Sinethemba Mti 33 ST £150 £0 £0
Windy Jongosi 35 D C £200 £0 £0
Siyambonga Mfinyongo 30 AM R £180 £3k £190
Moses Velaphi 29 M C £200 £3k £210
Xolisa Lubambo 36 D C £70 £0 £0
Lwando Mhambi 32 AM C £130 £1k £80
Bonisile Ngxola 32 GK £220 £3k £170
Mpho Tsamela 31 D R £240 £3k £160
Akhona Gononda 26 AM RC £250 £4k £260
Asakhe Mzilikazi 25 AM RL £200 £4k £220
Bathanda Mzilikazi 27 M C £180 £3k £200
Andile Ntluko 35 D C £140 £0 £0
Thobelani Maneli 32 DM, M R £210 £2k £110
Wandile Yabo 29 M C £140 £3k £160
Ntandazo Magqalaza 22 AM RC £220 £4k £240
Siphelele Jodwana 26 AM R, ST £150 £3k £180
Tebogo Moleta 28 ST £60 £1k £70
Iviwe Seti 31 M C £140 £2k £120
Siyanda Petse 32 D L £200 £2k £100
Kwanele Mfeketho 26 AM C £130 £3k £160
Banele Buyeye 29 AM R £130 £2k £150
Athenkosi Jolingana 26 ST £130 £3k £160
Siphiwe Nomfulani 30 DM £70 £1k £70
Anele Mankayi 27 D R £130 £2k £130
Mbulelo Mathiso 27 AM R £60 £1k £70
Luyolo Matamba 25 DM £60 £1k £70
Mogamat Sanahl 26 GK £80 £1k £70

Zizwe Utd Staff in FM24

Zizwe Utd Staff in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Ntobeko Sisusa 39 Fitness Coach (First Team) £50
Sinethemba Mbango 41 GK Coach (First Team) £80
Daniel Votyeka 42 Assistant Manager (First Team) £140

Zizwe Utd Peaked Players in FM24

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Luyolo Mapolisa 40 D R £220 £0 £0
Khanyiso Matomane 34 D LC £310 £0 £0
Xolisa Lubambo 36 D C £70 £0 £0
Andile Ntluko 35 D C £140 £0 £0