This page refers to an older game FM24. View Royal Pari in all games.

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Royal Pari are a team in Football Manager 2024. Royal Pari play in the Bolivian Premier Division in Bolivia in FM 24. Royal Pari play at a stadium called "Ramón Tahuichi Aguilera" in Football Manager 24.

Royal Pari
Bolivian Premier Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Royal Pari Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Royal Pari will be Adequate

Royal Pari Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Royal Pari in Football Manager 2024?

This is a guide to managing Royal Pari in FM24. If you want to play Football Manager 2024 with an updated Royal Pari squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM24 Update which updates the Football Manager 2024 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2024 Data Update you can download.

Royal Pari Players in FM24

All Royal Pari Players in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Olmes García 30 ST £680 £335k £27k 31-12-2024
Alexander Zurita 25 D R, DM, M RC £540 £112k £9k 31-12-2023
Alexis Ribera 27 AM RC £520 £95k £7k
Julio César Pérez 31 D/WB L £350 £23m 31-12-2024
Bismark Ubah 29 ST £260 £79k £6k 31-12-2024
Jorge Arauz 29 GK £200 £24k £2k 31-12-2023
Diego Méndez 32 GK £150 £22m
Kevin Salvatierra 21 AM LC £370 £259k £302k 31-12-2025
Tobías Moriceau 26 D/WB L £400 £40k £3k
José Jáquez Jr. 26 AM L £440 £117k £8k 31-12-2024
Eduardo Álvarez 20 D C £440 £196k £14k 31-12-2025
Daniel Flores 22 DM £350 £86k £6k 31-12-2024
José Flores 19 ST £370 £104k £164k 31-12-2025
Joel Bernal 20 GK £110 £121k £160k
Sergio Justiniano 28 AM L, ST £100 £0 £0 31-12-2024
Samir Valverde 19 D/WB L £110 £19k £28k
Andrés Moreno 20 D C £110 £78k £97k
Brandon Guzmán 19 M C £100 £72k £105k
Yefferson Yanique 18 ST £60 £46k £3k
Victor Morales 21 AM L £100 £0 £0 31-12-2024
Ricardo Cadima 17 D C £60 £93k £6k
Diefri Mensú 19 AM RL £100 £7k £10k 31-12-2024
Manuel Bonilla 18 M C £60 £5k £8k

Royal Pari Loaned Out Players in FM24

Players out on loan from Royal Pari in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Diego Valdivia 22 GK £160 £110k £8k
Dioggo Isita 20 ST £110 £14k £18k

Royal Pari Staff in FM24

Royal Pari Staff in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
David de la Torre 42 Manager (First Team) £0 31-12-2023
Marco Moncayo 41 GK Coach (First Team) £140
Mario Chávez 47 Chairman £0