This page refers to an older game FM24. View Midland in all games.

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Midland are a team in Football Manager 2024. Midland play in the Argentine Metropolitan C Zone in Argentina in FM 24. Midland play at a stadium called "Ciudad de Libertad" in Football Manager 24.

Argentine Metropolitan C Zone
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Midland Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Midland will be Basic

Midland Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Midland in Football Manager 2024?

This is a guide to managing Midland in FM24. If you want to play Football Manager 2024 with an updated Midland squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM24 Update which updates the Football Manager 2024 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2024 Data Update you can download.

Midland Players in FM24

All Midland Players in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Fabrizio Acosta 26 D/WB/M R £270 £116k £9k 31-12-2024
Juan Manuel Torres 27 AM R £230 £116k £9k 31-12-2024
Emiliano Mayola 35 D C £290 £23m 31-12-2024
Lionel Laborda 24 AM RC £250 £126k £10k 31-12-2025
Rodrigo Pepe 34 DM £250 £23m 31-12-2024
Pablo Despósito 34 DM £210 £23m
Gonzalo Yordan 29 GK £230 £79k £6k 31-12-2024
Gonzalo Gamarra 26 D RC £210 £87k £7k 31-12-2024
Mauro Frattini 32 M RC £210 £22m 30-12-2025
Germán Mendoza 33 D RC £210 £22m 31-12-2025
Mauro Leguiza 29 GK £210 £72k £5k 31-12-2024
Gonzalo Gómez 25 AM R £210 £92k £7k 30-12-2025
Federico Cataldi 27 D/WB L £210 £90k £7k
Nicolás Violini 23 DM, M RC £190 £123k £9k 31-12-2024
Federico Carrizo 25 DM £140 £59k £4k 31-12-2024
Ignacio Palacio 23 M LC £150 £152k £94k 31-12-2025
Fabián Garay 24 ST £90 £46k £3k 31-12-2024
Emilio Porro 27 D/WB R £160 £59k £4k 31-12-2024
Mariano Arango 25 D L £160 £66k £5k 31-12-2024
Damián Núñez 23 AM RLC £100 £68k £5k 30-12-2024
Franco Meza 20 D RC £100 £95k £7k
Rodrigo Benítez 20 AM RLC £60 £87k £121k 31-12-2025
Agustín Arias 19 AM R, ST £70 £100k £160k
Enzo Guzmán 20 D LC £0 £42k £55k
Pedro Castorani 20 D C, DM £60 £49k £64k 31-12-2024
José Sánchez 20 ST £70 £77k £101k 31-12-2024
Nahuel Avendaño 28 GK £70 £16k £1k 31-12-2024
Román Ugarriza 22 M RC £70 £58k £47k 31-12-2024
Agustín González 21 AM R, ST £70 £57k £4k 26-12-2025
Agustín Bracco 21 M C £70 £40k £41k 31-12-2024
Gastón Tejada 20 GK £0 £32k £39k
Diego Palermo 23 M L £120 £3k £2k
Agustín Morales 21 GK £60 £23k £23k
Sebastián Grabhorn 21 AM C £70 £7k £7k
Agustín Petrone 23 M RC £50 £1k £560
Bruno Córdoba 21 GK £60 £2k £2k
Jorge Sibuet 22 D R £60 £0 £0

Midland Loaned Out Players in FM24

Players out on loan from Midland in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Jonathan Irala 23 D/WB R £80 £47k £3k 31-12-2024
Maximiliano Rogoski 29 DM, M RC £280 £149k £12k 31-12-2025
Ramiro Luna 27 AM RLC £450 £198k £16k 31-12-2025
Francisco Molina 24 ST £210 £96k £7k 30-12-2025

Midland Staff in FM24

Midland Staff in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Jesús Díaz 42 Manager (First Team) £0 31-12-2024
Matías Cotado 32 Fitness Coach (First Team) £150 31-12-2025
Agustín Orión 42 Director £0
Francis Ribeiro 54 Chairman £0

Midland Peaked Players in FM24

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2024
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Gonzalo Yordan 29 GK £230 £79k £6k 31-12-2024
Emilio Porro 27 D/WB R £160 £59k £4k 31-12-2024
Juan Manuel Torres 27 AM R £230 £116k £9k 31-12-2024
Federico Cataldi 27 D/WB L £210 £90k £7k
Fabrizio Acosta 26 D/WB/M R £270 £116k £9k 31-12-2024
Nahuel Avendaño 28 GK £70 £16k £1k 31-12-2024