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The Ligue 1 StarTimes is a league in Football Manager 2024/25. Ligue 1 StarTimes can be found in Senegal in FM 24/25 Update.

This page describes Ligue 1 StarTimes in FM24/25 Update if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24/25 Update Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24/25 Update Database Update instead.

Ligue 1 StarTimes
Total Teams
Avg Balance
Avg Age
Avg Training
Avg Youth Rating
Avg Academy
Avg Rep
Avg Attendance
Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Ligue 1 StarTimes in Football Manager 2024/25

Are you looking to manage a team in Ligue 1 StarTimes in FM24/25 Update? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Ligue 1 StarTimes and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
AS Académie Génération Foot £165k £0 £0 20.5 1,200 Great Excellent Excellent 62 68
AS Dakar Sacré-Coeur £122k £0 £0 22.28 1,200 Good Average Adequate 64 69
ASC Jaraaf £114k £0 £0 24.05 3,500 Below Average Poor Limited 65 70
ASC SONACOS £105k £0 £0 24.79 250 Basic Basic Basic 64 67
ASCE La Linguère de Saint-Louis £134k £0 £0 22.26 2,800 Basic Poor Limited 64 70
Association Sportive de Pikine £131k £0 £0 22.88 2,500 Adequate Basic Basic 65 71
Casa Sports de Ziguinchor £155k £0 £0 20.63 3,500 Adequate Adequate Fairly Basic 63 71
Diambars FC de Saly £152k £0 £0 20.37 1,200 Good Great Average 62 72
Guédiawaye Football Club £99k £0 £0 23.96 2,200 Below Average Basic Limited 64 69
Jamono Football Club £66k £0 £0 23 250 Poor Poor Limited 61 65
Stade de Mbour £109k £0 £0 21.91 250 Basic Poor Limited 63 69
Teungueth Football Club £155k £0 £0 23.96 2,800 Below Average Poor Adequate 64 69
Union Sportive de Ouakam £120k £0 £0 26.84 250 Basic Poor Limited 63 66
Union Sportive Goréenne £85k £0 £0 22.94 2,000 Basic Poor Fairly Basic 63 67