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The Gifu Prefecture League is a league in Football Manager 2024/25. Gifu Pref' League can be found in Japan in FM 24/25 Update.

This page describes Gifu Prefecture League in FM24/25 Update if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24/25 Update Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24/25 Update Database Update instead.

Gifu Prefecture League
Total Teams
Avg Balance
Avg Age
Avg Training
Avg Youth Rating
Avg Academy
Avg Rep
Avg Attendance
Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Gifu Prefecture League in Football Manager 2024/25

Are you looking to manage a team in Gifu Prefecture League in FM24/25 Update? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Gifu Prefecture League and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
AC Leggenda Gifu £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Arcencial FC £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
FC Foresta Seki £0 £0 £0 250 Basic Unknown Limited 0 0
FC Kawasaki £0 £0 £0 35 100 Poor Poor Limited 4 4
FC Oribe Tajimi £0 £0 £0 100 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
FC Volharding Kani £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
FC Xebec Nakatsugawa £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Poor Limited 0 0
Football Club TED £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Football Club Yoro £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Gifu Kyoin SC £0 £0 £0 250 Basic Unknown Limited 0 0
Giocatare Gifu £0 £0 £0 250 Basic Poor Limited 0 0
Goshiro Stars £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Guccho FC £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Hida FC £0 £0 £0 100 Below Average Unknown Limited 0 0
Ikeda Football Club £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
JASDF Gifu £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Koto Club £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Morishin's FC £0 £0 £0 100 Below Average Unknown Limited 0 0
Ogaki FC Kogans £0 £0 £0 30 100 Below Average Unknown Limited 4 4
Pacific Industries £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Sakahogi FC £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0
Shinsei FC £0 £0 £0 250 Below Average Unknown Limited 0 0
Techno Watanabe FC £0 £0 £0 250 Below Average Unknown Limited 0 0
Tokai Society United £0 £0 £0 250 Poor Unknown Limited 0 0