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The Primera División C is a league in Football Manager 2024/25. Primera C can be found in Paraguay in FM 24/25 Update.

This page describes Primera División C in FM24/25 Update if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM24/25 Update Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM24/25 Update Database Update instead.

Primera División C
Total Teams
Avg Balance
Avg Age
Avg Training
Avg Youth Rating
Avg Academy
Avg Rep
Avg Attendance
Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Primera División C in Football Manager 2024/25

Are you looking to manage a team in Primera División C in FM24/25 Update? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Primera División C and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
C 1 de Marzo £429k £0 £0 28 132 Poor Basic Fairly Basic 43 45
Club 12 de Octubre de Santo Domingo £3k £0 £0 25.44 100 Poor Basic Adequate 49 53
Club Atlético Juventud de Loma Pytá £422k £0 £0 24.5 100 Poor Poor Fairly Basic 32 35
Club Capitán Figari £4k £0 £0 29.6 100 Poor Basic Average 27 29
Club Fulgencio Yegros £0 £0 £0 26 250 Below Average Adequate Adequate 23 24
Club General Caballero de Campo Grande £364k £0 £0 175 Basic Basic Basic 0 0
Club General Caballero ZC £24k £0 £0 29 150 Below Average Adequate Adequate 33 35
Club Oriental de Asunción £405k £0 £0 29.92 100 Poor Basic Fairly Basic 60 62
Club Sport Colombia £37k £0 £0 27.75 150 Adequate Below Average Fairly Basic 61 64
Club Sport Colonial £344k £0 £0 28.33 170 Poor Poor Basic 16 17
Club Sportivo Coronel Valois Rivarola £499k £0 £0 24.8 100 Poor Poor Basic 27 29
Pilcomayo F.B.C. £2k £0 £0 29.3 100 Poor Basic Fairly Basic 55 57