FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 11 Mar 2025
- 108,541 Changes
- 608 Contributors
- FM24.3

Our database should be up to date with 23.4 are there alot that you think are missing?
E.g: is now extinct. They've been replaced with Yunnan Yukun (2000319417). Has that been updated recently? …Because a few days ago, I couldn't find that club.
If you paid enough attention to this, you'd realize that the version of the database the SortItOutSI Transfer Update was based on is 23.3, not 23.4. In this database the player was at a different club, so that edit has to be made in this Transfer Update too. I'd rather you were more informed before talking like this to a member of staff.
Our database should be up to date with 23.4 are there alot that you think are missing?
But I think you need to rely on the original database data of version 24.4 because some team IDs are seriously wrong. For example: Peng City is Sichuan Jiuan, YN Yukun Steel is Yunnan Yukun
The Sichuan Jiuan thing is my fault, I'll fix that. But the thing regarding Yunnan Yukun cannot be fixed unless @Footygamer can do something? Yunnan Yukun does not exist in this stored version of the database.
If you paid enough attention to this, you'd realize that the version of the database the SortItOutSI Transfer Update was based on is 23.3, not 23.4. In this database the player was at a different club, so that edit has to be made in this Transfer Update too. I'd rather you were more informed before talking like this to a member of staff.
But I think you need to rely on the original database data of version 24.4 because some team IDs are seriously wrong. For example: Peng City is Sichuan Jiuan, YN Yukun Steel is Yunnan Yukun
Please stop editing
The original database already has accurate data about players in the Chinese league
If you paid enough attention to this, you'd realize that the version of the database the SortItOutSI Transfer Update was based on is 23.3, not 23.4. In this database the player was at a different club, so that edit has to be made in this Transfer Update too. I'd rather you were more informed before talking like this to a member of staff.
Please stop editing
The original database already has accurate data about players in the Chinese league

Anyway, I've moved them over to that club. Might've been because I was literally searching for Yunnan Yukun.