FM24 Data Update
Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!
- Updated 17 Dec 2024
- 86,238 Changes
- 499 Contributors
- FM24.3
You are viewing changes for an older version of Football Manager (Version 19.3) which is no longer supported by our data update.
This page is here as a historical reference only.
![Vincent Kompany](
![RSC Anderlecht](
![Vincent Kompany](
![Vincent Kompany](
![Vincent Kompany](
![RSC Anderlecht](
![Vincent Kompany](
out of curiosity, what was the conflicting files?
I had the Live Changes and Player and Staff Changes, but had an older Player and Staff Changes still in the folder with a (1) in brackets due to a previous duplicate saving.
Sorry please ignore. Had conflicting editor files.
out of curiosity, what was the conflicting files?
He was at Anderlecht in mine but has now switched back to City. Any ideas?
Sorry please ignore. Had conflicting editor files.
Change Yourself in editor
so rude
Change Yourself in editor
Mateee, I have changed Cech and Casillas myself in the pre game editor (I was able to do this as you have disabled all of their changes on here), but because Kompany has an active change (he is set to non player on here) any changes I make to him in the pre game editor are not pulled through to the game.
I am asking if you can remove Kompany's change on here (which has already been done with Cech and Casillas) so that I can change Kompany myself in the editor
![Vincent Kompany](
![Vincent Kompany](
![RSC Anderlecht](
![Vincent Kompany](
![Vincent Kompany](
![RSC Anderlecht](
![Vincent Kompany](
![Vincent Kompany](
![RSC Anderlecht](
![Vincent Kompany](
![Vincent Kompany](
the staff/player file from sirtavares covering the issues caused by the bugged editor here is no longer available.
so users wanting kompany etc to have the right job eg player/manager at anderlecht will have to do it in the editor as it cant be done here
![Vincent Kompany](
![Vincent Kompany](
![RSC Anderlecht](
![Vincent Kompany](
just tested file/s all working correctly
@SirTAVARES that is with the xml file I posted for you earlier and with the live susie update too
Every time I download the file it never works
as Sir T says mate
Every time I download the file it never works
u have to copy also the live update, or else it won't work
its in with the downloaded folder -Base File - New Players and staff it address issues like this which cant be resolved in the ive update file
Every time I download the file it never works
How do I get that file?
its in with the downloaded folder -Base File - New Players and staff it address issues like this which cant be resolved in the ive update file
Kompany change disabled and done manually in the file "Base File - New Players and Staff ( Data Update).xml"
How do I get that file?
Where can I download it mate?
I havent uploaded it mate its been made for my own preferences lots of things added just that I want think we are going off topic here a bit
if you want info PM me I can try to dig up when free what I used
its my own fusion of a few out there and a few tweaks its pretty easy to do
hell if I can do it its easy
Where can I download it mate?
ahh ok, ive got the same problem but don't have those files duplicated