FM24 Data Update
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- Updated 11 Mar 2025
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- FM24.3

Here are all the players registered by São José up until that moment. If you look, you won't find the player at the club anymore
And here, the player registration system in Brazil. If you look for April 11, 2024, you will find the player's contract termination with the club
Source of Luan joining Sao Jose:
Source of Luan leaving Sao Jose after contract ends:
You probably only saw the date and not the entire text. The end date of his contract was actually going to end in May, but the contract was terminated. The player himself spoke about his left from the club on social media. Additionally, I posted the link below with the player's contract information in the player registration system in Brazil. I wouldn't post a source that wasn't true. I just want to contribute and keep Brazilian clubs as up to date as possible. If you are interested, I leave the link once again:
Source of Luan joining Sao Jose:
Source of Luan leaving Sao Jose after contract ends:

If you can give me proof that the contract with the club has been terminated before the May 21st, 2024 date (ie: Mutual Termination, being released, etc) in that Facebook Post, I'm willing to approve it now. The way I'm understanding the Facebook Post is that he's under contract until that date, and then will become a Free Agent.
The Facebook post states that he left the club. And in this print I sent you, it states exactly the termination of the club's player's contract, as this is the player's contract system in Brazil. But there's no problem. Tomorrow the information I added to Transfermark will appear and you can make the change.
Look at this link. This is the official information on the player's contract in the CBF system. As you can see, he ended his contract with Campinense on 20/02/2024 and his contract with São José on 11/04/2024
If you can give me proof that the contract with the club has been terminated before the May 21st, 2024 date (ie: Mutual Termination, being released, etc) in that Facebook Post, I'm willing to approve it now. The way I'm understanding the Facebook Post is that he's under contract until that date, and then will become a Free Agent.
@adriano roberto “Luan Santos' contract with São José EC runs until May 21st”. This is likely why it hasn't been approved, because the player hasn't left the club yet, and won't do until May 21st.
Look at this link. This is the official information on the player's contract in the CBF system. As you can see, he ended his contract with Campinense on 20/02/2024 and his contract with São José on 11/04/2024
@adriano roberto My other question, is: Are you sure you're not misreading that? There's nowhere in that Facebook Post you've used as a source that indicates that he's leaving his parent club, Campinense-PB? Just that the loan is being terminated early.
I added 2 links: In this other link here, which you may not have seen, it states that he left Campinense.
And his contract with São José was not a loan. I can say this because I also have access to the Brazilian transfer system, as I am part of the game's official research. I have also made this change on transfermarkt and it should appear tomorrow.
@adriano roberto If you have misunderstood that, for now just change his loan's termination date to May 21st, 2024, and I believe the system should make that change when that loan expires.
@adriano roberto My other question, is: Are you sure you're not misreading that? There's nowhere in that Facebook Post you've used as a source that indicates that he's leaving his parent club, Campinense-PB? Just that the loan is being terminated early.
@adriano roberto “Luan Santos' contract with São José EC runs until May 21st”. This is likely why it hasn't been approved, because the player hasn't left the club yet, and won't do until May 21st.
eu pedi pra ser staff aqui dia 27 e ate agora eles não responderam
A sugestão que te dou é: Não ficar pedindo. E a outra sugestão é: Sempre verifique outra fonte além do Transfermarkt. Muita informação lá está desatualizada.
(The suggestion I give you is: Don't keep asking. And the other suggestion is: Always check another source besides Transfermarkt. A lot of the information there is out of date.)
Acabei de fazer a mudança no Transfermarkt e entre hoje e amanhã já estará disponível. Talvez o staff daqui aprove.
eu pedi pra ser staff aqui dia 27 e ate agora eles não responderam
Cara eu fui no fórum né pedi para ser Staff justamente para pegar a transferências de outros lugares sem ser do transfermark, porque eles eram muita coisa do Brasil e aqui no site Geralmente os staffs que não são brasileiros ou demoram muito tempo para confirmar transferências de outras plataformas Ou eles não aceitam
Acabei de fazer a mudança no Transfermarkt e entre hoje e amanhã já estará disponível. Talvez o staff daqui aprove.
Ele saiu do São José após a eliminação do clube da Série A2 paulista. E o link abaixo informa sobre a saída dele do Campinense. Quando ele foi para o São José, ele foi em definitivo e, não em empréstimo.
(He left São José after the club's elimination from the São Paulo Series A2. And the link below informs about him leaving Campinense. When he went to São José, he went permanently and not on loan.)
Cara eu fui no fórum né pedi para ser Staff justamente para pegar a transferências de outros lugares sem ser do transfermark, porque eles eram muita coisa do Brasil e aqui no site Geralmente os staffs que não são brasileiros ou demoram muito tempo para confirmar transferências de outras plataformas Ou eles não aceitam
Ele saiu do São José após a eliminação do clube da Série A2 paulista. E o link abaixo informa sobre a saída dele do Campinense. Quando ele foi para o São José, ele foi em definitivo e, não em empréstimo.
(He left São José after the club's elimination from the São Paulo Series A2. And the link below informs about him leaving Campinense. When he went to São José, he went permanently and not on loan.)

We use the source provided by users and the Facebook one says he has contract until the 21st. However, the new source you provided, the BID says he's not contracted, so that's the reason why the info is corrected. We don't say at all that you info isn't true and of course we value your contributions 🙂 Facebook info was wrong or not totally accurate, so thanks for post the BID link because that's clearly a more reliable source 😀