FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 26 Apr 2024
  • 9,252 Changes
  • 137 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Aamet Calderón
Adriel Trelles
Aldo Corzo
Alex Valera
Álvaro Rojas
Andy Polo
Angel Venegas
Anghelo Flores
Ayrton Unzueta
Brandon Carroll
Brayan Rivera
Chase Villanueva
Christian Huaraz
Christofer Gonzáles
Christopher Olivares
Denilson Zegarra
Diego Dorregaray
Diego Romero
Edison Flores
Edison Gutiérrez
Edward López
Erick Scamarone
Erwin Paiva
Esteban Cruz
Fabián Bustos
Fabián Cabanillas
Gabriel Burga
Gianluca Paredes
Héctor Chumpitaz
Holsen Cubas
Horacio Calcaterra
Hugo Ancajima
Jaime Vásquez
Jairo Concha
Jarek Elías
Jean Carlo Olivares
Jean Ferrari
Jems Tenorio
Jeremi Espinoza
Jerry Navarro
Jhefferson Rodríguez
Johan Ayala
Jonathan Mejía
Jonny Milla
Jorge Araujo
Jorge Murrugarra
José Artola
José Bolívar
José Franco
José López
José Rivera
Josué Oré
Josué Torres
Julinho Astudillo
Kevin Medina
Manuel Barreto
Marco Connena
Marco Núñez
Marco Saravia
Martín Pérez Guedes
Matías Di Benedetto
Max Guerrero
Milton Medina
Mirko Gonzáles
Nelson Cabanillas
Patrick Gonzáles
Piero Alva
Piero Guzmán
Piero Romero
René Carhuaricra
Rodrigo Ureña
Santiago Cárdenas
Sebastián Britos
Segundo Portocarrero
Tito Flores
Williams Riveros
Yuriel Celi