FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 30 Apr 2024
  • 10,073 Changes
  • 141 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Alberto Cecchetto
Alehandro Mazzotta
Alessandro Degrassi
Alessandro Freda
Alessandro Locandro
Alessandro Nisci
Alex Jeantet
Andrea Gironda
Andrea Gnan
Andrea Tomatis
Andrea Verderosa
Antonio Caruzzo
Brando De Fazio
Claudio Isoardi
Claudio Simonetti
Cristian Popovici
Dario Dileo
David Suazo
Davide Tarucco
Edoardo Vada
Emanuele Luxardo
Fabio Benedetto
Fabio Moschini
Federica D'Alessio
Filippo Pozzobon
Francesco Villano
Gabriele Leotta
Gianluca Amadio
Gianluca Rato
Gianmarco Montiglio
Gianni Trezza
Gianpiero Ferrero
Giorgio Conrotto
Giovanni Ferrero
Giuseppe Perfetti
Giuseppe Ponsat
Ivan Pirrotta
Jacopo Scarpetta
Kamal Rizq
Leonardo Buggin
Lorenzo Arduino
Lorenzo Lancellotti
Lorenzo Viano
Luca Algarotti
Luca Atzori
Luca Bruno
Luca Mezzano
Ludovico Ruscello
Manuel Satta
Marcello Crispoltoni
Marco Di Lernia
Marco Lagori
Marco Pastiu
Mario Brun
Massimo Finotello
Matteo Zangrandi
Matthias Terrazzino
Mattia Antolini
Mattia La Marca
Michael Bauco
Michael Sarkis
Nicola Ascoli
Nicolas Naso
Nikita Meriacre
Ottavio Cena
Pierluigi Pairetto
Pietro Fantone
Riccardo Ariello
Samuele Rosano
Sergio Gardellini
Simone De Riggi
Simone Miniace
Simone Montenegro
Tommaso Matarazzo
Tommaso Terraneo
Tommaso Trimarchi
Valentin Garcetti