FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 19 Apr 2024
  • 8,118 Changes
  • 127 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Adrián Sarkisián
Alassane Diaby
Alexis Lefebvre
Amine Mokhtari
Ange Bergson Toumaleu
Arnaud Lesserteur
Benjamin Gomel
Bilal El Rafif
Carlos Mendes
Cédric Lécluse
Chafik El Hansar
Charles Chaffaut
Cheikh Touré
Chien Lee
Christophe Miranda
Cyprien Holzhammer
Daryl Kouadio
David Keïta
Derek Mazou-Sacko
Elfayed Maanrifa
Enzo Parent El Fattahi
Enzo Tacafred
Eric Martin
Frédéric Muel
Gaëtan Bussmann
Gennaro Bracigliano
Gwilhem Tayot
Hugo Masson
Hugo Morrone
Jonathan Rivas
José Martinez
Josselin Gromat
Jules Mendy
Kenzo Noël
Kerfala Sylla
Kevin Farade
Lamine Cissé
Lamine Mariko
Laurent Moracchini
Lenny Nangis
Louis Carnot
Lucas Pellegrini
Mamadou Camara
Mamoudou Koumé
Marco Giagnorio
Martin Sourzac
Mathieu Bikouta
Maxence Carlier
Maxime Nonnenmacher
Michaël Chrétien
Michael Kalt
Nicolas Baup
Nicolas Florentin
Olivier Javelle
Omar Essebar
Pablo Correa
Paul Diomandé
Philip Okardi
Philippe Saffroy
Quentin Carpentier
Sacha Carriez
Sébastien Janodet
Shaquil Delos
Sylvain Olivier
Teddy Bouriaud
Téo Giachini
Theo Florentin
Théo Guillaume
Valentin Raoult
Walid Bouabdeli
Yanis Delaveau
Yanis Kouini
Yohan N'Guessan
Youssouf Tandia
Zakaria Ztouti