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#784515 Kylian MbappƩ
Dale Niland
hes just gone to real madrid per Fabrizio Romano on twitter
#782441 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Dale Niland
yeah i know im on about the ads file like teams etc are all over the place in the xml file so ive put them in order i will upload and show you, sorry if not aloud on here please delete if not
#782355 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Dale Niland
I've started to update the FM file so its much more cleaner and much more understandable its taking me months to sort out the graphics and the adboards If anyone would like to se it i will show you and its all working the ads pictures and the video adboards for football manager 2024 btw but it will work on any of the football manager i would expect
#663551 FM22 Real Fixtures & Results 30 May (27 championships) Final Update
Dale Niland
im using the custom date 22-11-2021 and when you choose what leagues to use at the bottom right hand corner, its blank and wont let me choose a date ? and its saying start in janurary 1900 and im using the custom date file along side the real fixtures and results ?
#663396 FM22 Real Fixtures & Results 30 May (27 championships) Final Update
Dale Niland
its not working for me its saying that england will start in 1990 in the game when you choose the countries