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#813062 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Deniga Babatope
Then one more thing does it have to be high when the graphics capacity is 6stars or medium or does the folder have to be renamed sd ?
#812565 Adboard Issue
Deniga Babatope
Please does the video folder have to be in capital letter for example HD or SD or does it have to be in hd or sd ?
#812459 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Deniga Babatope
Please does video folder have to be in capital letters or small letters for example HD or SD ?
#812183 FM24 in 25 LIVERPOOL Edition
Deniga Babatope
Please can you do one for manchester united I will appreciate
#809025 Tycoon takeovers
Deniga Babatope
Isn't there a Manutd tycoon takeover available please ?
#785069 Virtual-Skin
Deniga Babatope
For the home screen try and put the club logos on the clubs next fixture please
#783905 Virtual-Skin
Deniga Babatope
Yes please
#783895 Virtual-Skin
Deniga Babatope
please the stadium picture is not showing in mine at all in the club overview screen thanks
#768515 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Deniga Babatope
Please can this work on fm 24 please ?
#768487 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Deniga Babatope
Can it work with fm 24 ?
#763855 FM24 Boot Selector
Deniga Babatope
I think so but it's alright but please send it to my email address [email protected] thanks
#763841 FM24 Boot Selector
Deniga Babatope
Please send me the download link for the updated version of the boots to [email protected]. Thanks
#757123 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Deniga Babatope
Please can the balls work on fm 24 pleaseee
#722467 Rensie Skin
Deniga Babatope
Is there a way to make the club overview screen bigger particularly the stadium picture my screen resolution is 1366x768.Thanks
#717588 Realistic Weather 2.0
Deniga Babatope
Does it also work with Fm 23 please?
#716453 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Deniga Babatope
Is the folder name in capital letter or small letter for it to work that 3D or 3d?
#713154 Generic Manager Faces for your profile in game
Deniga Babatope
Please which folder do I paste it in?
#701713 Realistic Pitch Textures - v1.1
Deniga Babatope
Please can you give me a step by step instruction on where to paste the folder please thanks.
#694959 Nik33's Agents Pack (FM22)
Deniga Babatope
Where do I the agents face pack? And where do I paste the folder please?
#681150 Realistic Weather 2.0
Deniga Babatope
Does it work on fm 22
#680739 Realistic Pitch Textures - v1.1
Deniga Babatope
Does it work with Fm 22?
#680324 Nik33's Agents Pack (FM22)
Deniga Babatope
Please is there a face park for the football agents? If yes how do I get it and where do I place it on fm 22 folder
#679229 FM20 Better Crowd Colors
Deniga Babatope
Can it also work on fm 22?
#671145 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Deniga Babatope
Isn't there a 3d ball pack for fm 22?
Deniga Babatope
What folder extractly do I place the podium picture I want to use in from the xtra folder please?
Deniga Babatope
Bcos the documents I have there are for the interview and press conference pictures
Deniga Babatope
And then what do I do next?
Deniga Babatope
What folder extractly do I place it when am choosing one competition at a time please?
#651218 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
Deniga Babatope
Thank you very much it works now I really appreciate the help. Thanks once again
#651130 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Deniga Babatope
It works now thank you very much 👍👍but I had to rename the folder as sd I appreciate the help thanks once again