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#809025 Tycoon takeovers
Deniga Babatope
Isn't there a Manutd tycoon takeover available please ?
#785069 Virtual-Skin
Deniga Babatope
For the home screen try and put the club logos on the clubs next fixture please
#783905 Virtual-Skin
Deniga Babatope
Yes please
#783895 Virtual-Skin
Deniga Babatope
please the stadium picture is not showing in mine at all in the club overview screen thanks
#768515 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Deniga Babatope
Please can this work on fm 24 please ?
#768487 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
Deniga Babatope
Can it work with fm 24 ?
#763855 FM24 Boot Selector
Deniga Babatope
I think so but it's alright but please send it to my email address [email protected] thanks
#763841 FM24 Boot Selector
Deniga Babatope
Please send me the download link for the updated version of the boots to [email protected]. Thanks
#757123 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Deniga Babatope
Please can the balls work on fm 24 pleaseee
#722467 Rensie Skin
Deniga Babatope
Is there a way to make the club overview screen bigger particularly the stadium picture my screen resolution is 1366x768.Thanks
#717588 Realistic Weather 2.0
Deniga Babatope
Does it also work with Fm 23 please?
#716453 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Deniga Babatope
Is the folder name in capital letter or small letter for it to work that 3D or 3d?
#713154 Generic Manager Faces for your profile in game
Deniga Babatope
Please which folder do I paste it in?
#701713 Realistic Pitch Textures - v1.1
Deniga Babatope
Please can you give me a step by step instruction on where to paste the folder please thanks.
#694959 Nik33's Agents Pack (FM22)
Deniga Babatope
Where do I the agents face pack? And where do I paste the folder please?
#681150 Realistic Weather 2.0
Deniga Babatope
Does it work on fm 22
#680739 Realistic Pitch Textures - v1.1
Deniga Babatope
Does it work with Fm 22?
#680324 Nik33's Agents Pack (FM22)
Deniga Babatope
Please is there a face park for the football agents? If yes how do I get it and where do I place it on fm 22 folder
#679229 FM20 Better Crowd Colors
Deniga Babatope
Can it also work on fm 22?
#671145 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Deniga Babatope
Isn't there a 3d ball pack for fm 22?
Deniga Babatope
What folder extractly do I place the podium picture I want to use in from the xtra folder please?
Deniga Babatope
Bcos the documents I have there are for the interview and press conference pictures
Deniga Babatope
And then what do I do next?
Deniga Babatope
What folder extractly do I place it when am choosing one competition at a time please?
#651218 FM21 Adboard Patch - V1.4 [22/09/2021] Update out now!
Deniga Babatope
Thank you very much it works now I really appreciate the help. Thanks once again
#651130 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Deniga Babatope
It works now thank you very much 👍👍but I had to rename the folder as sd I appreciate the help thanks once again
#651101 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Deniga Babatope
Hope this is the right folder
#651091 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Deniga Babatope
Should I place it in the folder in the screenshot below
#651082 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Deniga Babatope
Am playing via steam and should the HD folder be in Upper case or lower case?
#651075 Adboard Patch FAQ & Technical Support Thread
Deniga Babatope
Please my video ads are still black please I need help