RWClarke - Comments

#576726 England - English Leagues Level 7-10 SS'2020-21 Relink! (27/03/21)
6 years ago
7 months ago
Hi guys, great work on these kits! Always nice to see my side (Athy Colls) fleshed out in the game as much as possible, keep up the good work!

As a quick heads up, the logo used on our Atherton Colls kit is a few seasons out of date, the current logo is the slightly modernised '1916' crest as seen on Wikipedia and social media, if you guys are planning to make any further updates to these files?

Minor feedback aside, thank you again for making these graphics available. It is much appreciated and I can't wait to add them into my game!
#526408 SS' kits Template Thread
6 years ago
7 months ago
Good evening!

I've been spending a lot of time making custom kit designs lately, and I'm now trying to work out how to recreate them in the FM/SS style so I can customise my saves a bit. As fun as it is playing with these manufacturer based templates, are there any blank SS templates available with the facility (such as clipping masks or smart objects?) in-place to drag & drop in my own vector designs for shirt bodies (plus maybe collars or trims from the template megapacks) without having to worry about setting up the masking or whatnot correctly for the sleeves or the collar?

If not, are there any good resources knocking about to help me learn how to do something along those lines? I'm much more accustomed to vector design & adobe illustrator than fiddling with these things on photoshop, though forgive me if this is the wrong thread for that particular question!
