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#759363 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Thank you for your hardworking every year.
I am a new Mac user , and I am new to FM24 {stop playing since FM19}, I used to do it when I use Window, but I have just a MacBook and I am a new user to it , I can't find any pathway mentioned in the installing instruction, I try to follow the way but I just can't do it, anyone please can help?
Originally I don't have the folder called 2400 since I download the game, so how do I found it and replace it ? And I don't know where does FM24 save my game , how can I find the pathway?
I. have download the face pack and other graphics and I can use them in game except the real name fix, please helppppppppppppp.