PLF - Comments

#196214 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
17 years ago
11 hours ago
I am aware of that, but since there is no mention in the installation instructions to verify the integrity of the game cache, it is not something I thought anybody would ever do. Apart from those two folders, it also recreates the team_holland.edt file in the edt folder...

All's well that ends well, and keep it in mind for any future iterations of this file

Sounds good.

Yeah, that's not something you ever instructed anyone to do in the first post.
It's just something some of us have been told to do to apparently helps avoid crash dumps, etc. Now that I know it messes up the good work done here, I won't be doing that and it's good that others reading this won't either.

Take care and keep up the good work.
#195916 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
17 years ago
11 hours ago
Hi mons, yes installation is very simple and I had done it correctly all along.

The issue is that those like me who click "Verify Game Cache" through Steam, are unaware that it downloads two new folders 'greek' and 'all' and puts them in the 'lnc' folder meaning fake Germany/Japan are back. So it essentially undoes the good work that this pack does because it alters the files in the very same folder we copied/edited.
#195772 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
17 years ago
11 hours ago
UPDATE: I figured it out.

Maybe I'm an idiot but I didn't know that by pressing 'Verifying Game Cache' through Steam, it would go and download files to the data/db/1430/ folder.

That's why I had those 'extra' files in the 'lnc' folder (much to my surprise since I had already taken care of that) and gone through the steps correctly.

p.s. I was told that is a good practice before booting up the game after suffering some heart-breaking crashes (crash dumps) right when I would get out of a match to game screen. Since I updated graphics card and drivers, I'd also been doing this and had no such crashes since. For that reason, I kept 'verifying game cache' just to be sure it wouldn't mess me up.

But now I noticed that if I dont do that, files are all good and Germany and Japan do call up real players while France and Netherlands pictures can be viewed. So it's all good and as long as game doesn't crash on me (which it hopefully won't), then all problems have been fixed. I think it was crashing at times before because drivers were out of date so hopefully I should be fine.

Interestingly enough, I saw China had NO players on their team squad though. Not even FAKE grayed out players. That was strange but that I'm not bothered by as long as it doesn't end up causing future problems.
#195769 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
17 years ago
11 hours ago
Hi again mons (or anyone else that can help)
I just noticed something very strange. Even though just 20 mins ago I had deleted the 'lnc', 'edt' and 'dbc' folders and extracted ONLY what was in the compressed file, I NOW see that two additional folders have been created by the game I'm assuming when I loaded it to see if problem had been fixed.

These two folders are called 'greek' and 'all' and are now in my 'lnc' folder along with the 3 files that were in the zip file. That's strange because it seems loading up the game created those folders or put them in there. I'm certain they weren't there when I had finished redoing all the steps before running the game. Is this possibly the issue then? My game for whatever reason grabs those files (perhaps from elsewhere) before I play?

Keep in mind I always do 'Verify Game Cache' before running the game because I've found that helps it not do any crash dumps. Perhaps by verifying game cache and 'reacquiring' the files needed (since Steam automatically does that when it can't fully verify game cache), it redownloads those files? That's the only thing I can think of.
#195768 FM2014 Real Names and German National Team Fix File – version 2.1 for FM14.3.0 [02/03/2014]
17 years ago
11 hours ago
Hi mons,
I was reading your reply to foobar from last page as I'm having the same issue. Luckily for him, it seems to have been fixed but I'm still having issues even though I've triple checked every step to make sure I've done it all correctly. Competition names are correct and there is van Marwijk and van Gaal but in my game, France and Dutch national team players don't have pictures. Kahn is called Jens Musterman and Germany and Japan have fake players.

I've even made sure the lnc, edt and dbc folders in the /1430 folder (which were extracted from the zip on first page) are the exact same ones as in the /1400 folder but that didn't help either. Let me know which exact folders you need a picture of and I can attach them. I have the original game by the way so that can't be an issue. Any suggestions on where to upload pictures to by the way? Been a long time since I did that.

Other than, 'lnc', 'edt' and 'dbc', I also have a "1430_fm" and "1430_fmc" folder INSIDE the "data/db/1430" folder. Is that normal?

Having had another look, it seems to me like you've not installed the files from this download correctly.

Yes, the competition names changed, but I suspect that was due to the league and team-names - portugal.xml file in the editor data folder, which I don't know where you got from and which almost certainly replicates changes made elsewhere in "my" files.

I recommend that the contents of the lnc folder is the same in both the 1400 and 1430 folder, and that the fake.edt file is removed in both the 1400 and 1430 edt folder.

That should fix it.

To verify, check the Dutch and French player faces. If you've started a new game already, then the German national team will only be populated the next time that players are called up so that would not be correct when you next load the game.