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#813584 FC'12 Kits Request Thread
Hi, would any of you be so kind to create the blue and black kit for Barra FC please? Thanks 🙂
#520593 Real Fixtures/results FM20 with custom start date
I'm a huge fan of starting my saves with a custom start date. It's always intriguing me to start a season at the current point in time and help a team to get the necessary points to advance to higher division or stay in the league.
My next destination will be in the 3rd German division and I'm currently trying to figure out how to create those text files with the real fixtures and results for the 2. Bundesliga and the 3.Liga in Germany.
After several tries with the fixtures generator I finally gave up and wanted to ask you - does any of have the fixtures as text files or explain how to make it work?
Thanks a lot!