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#632568 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
thanks for answer.
I'm searching these folders, but I can't find them.
I installed the game through Steam in osx.
I know there are some hidden folders. application support - steamapp and so on.. but I can figure out where these folders are.
can u please help me?
#632547 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
anyone knows where are stored all the players' faces?
I need to extract them with resource archiver, but i cant find the right folder.
I extracted sigraphics.fmf and sigraphic-pc.fmf but didnt find any .jpg
#632291 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
hi all.
is there a way to delete all the players' faces that come with the game?
I mean, delete or overwrite them with a file with no image.
I miss the old fm without those faces.
no hate plz. xD