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#559705 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
hama faridus
Just sent you the pics by pm
Let me know if you want ads for the algerian national team too.
#559476 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
hama faridus
#559466 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
hama faridus
thanks a lot, i somehow figured it out myself, added some more ads to the algerian ligue 1
but i still don't get how to add custom addboard to a minor competition that is not already listed on the xml file ?
<list id="17"> - Unique id of the competition/clubs the ad-boards are for
how do i know the correct id for the algerian ligue 2 or a specific algerian club ?
Nevermind just got it
#559461 FM20 Adboard Patch - V1.4 Out Now!!!
hama faridus
And what if i want to add some adboards for the algerian lower leagues ?
#496824 FM18 BIG MEGA PACK League All WORLD (Updates) 2017\2018
hama faridus