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#542610 [FM 2020] Career in Belarus
Results (3 W, 4 D, 2 L)
Defeat in Belarus Cup
League Table - 7th
The board are very pleased
Next Matches
#540157 [FM 2020] Career in Belarus
Andrey Wengerowksy
Results (3 W, 1 L)
League Table - 7th
Belarus Cup - 2nd Round - Win
Belarus Cup - 3rd Round - Fixtures
Staff - new signings
Next Fixtures - July 2019
#539640 [FM 2020] Career in Belarus
Arsenal Dzerzhinsk information
Arsenal Dzerzhinsk squad
Igor Voronkov has been selecte as captain and Pavel Karilchik has been selected as vice-captain
Arsenal Dzerzhinsk in two competitions
Matches played in 2019
The proposed club vision accepted
Arsenal Dzerzhinsk budget
First Press Conference
Tactics used
First match, first win
Results & League Table - 9th Round
Next matches in June 2019
#372580 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
#239116 Started from the (real) bottom
#238935 The South American Football Thread
#238929 The South American Football Thread
#238871 Arsenal - The Big Journey With The Gooners.
#238766 The South American Football Thread
FLAMENGO: Paulo Victor; Léo Moura, Wallace, Samir, Anderson Pico; Cáceres, Canteros, Eduardo da Silva; Gabriel, Marcelo Cirino, Everton.
Coach: Vanderlei Luxemburgo
VASCO: Martin Silva; Jean Patrick, Luan, Rodrigo, Christiano; Sandro Silva, Guiñazu, Bernardo; Montoya, Marcinho, Rafael Silva
Coach: Doriva
#238689 Started from the (real) bottom
#238656 AFCON 2015
#238654 The South American Football Thread
#238537 Starting with the Grave
Thanks. I hope my team has a good run in October.
#237927 Starting with the Grave
#237790 Starting with the Grave
Poor performance in first match of the month. Only 16 spectators in the stadium. We played well at home and defeated Sunnybank. Good win away against Pontardawe and we jumped to 2nd position. Striker John Philips scored 6 goals in 6 appearances. We ended the month with a very bad performance, losing to the worst team in the league. Giants Grave dropped to the third position in the league.
In the Cups, we did well. In Welsh Trophy, Giants Grave advance to Third Round after beating Felinhell. Ind U19 Cup, we were through Second Round after beating Perthcelyn.
Next update in October...
#235974 Starting with the Grave
1 draw and 2 defeats in preseason friendlies
League title odds
In my debut, we won the 1st round match in West Wales FA Cup
We were through Second Round in Welsh Trophy too
Nice start in the league. We won the match against the defending champions
Table after week 1
Next update in September 2014
#233699 The South American Football Thread
Group O - Indaiatuba
FT Primavera 1-2 Araguaína-TO
Watching Cruzeiro v ABC on tv.
#233649 Starting with the Grave
Great upset in the second Preseason friendly We played poorly and suffered a heavy defeat.
Next update in August 2014
#233631 Starting with the Grave
I placed advert to Goalkeeper Coaching, Coach, Reserves Manager and Under 19s Manager, but I didn't receive any applications.
Signed 4 players, 2 of them are veterans:
#233367 AFCON 2015
#233155 The Shanghai Nights Adventure [FM15]
#232954 The South American Football Thread
Série A
Champions - Cruzeiro
Runners-up - São Paulo
3rd place - Internacional
4th place - Corinthians
Relegated - Bahia, Vitória, Botafogo and Criciúma
Brazilian Cup
Champions - Atlético Mineiro
Runners-up - Cruzeiro
Série B
Champions - Joinville
Runners-up - Ponte Preta
3rd place - Vasco da Gama
4th place - Avaí
Relegated - América-RN, Icasa, Vila Nova and Portuguesa
Série C
Champions - Macaé
Runners-up - Paysandu
3rd Place - Mogi Mirim
4th Place - CRB
Relegated - Treze, Crac, São Caetano and Duque de Caxias
Série D
Champions - Tombense
Runners-up - Brasil-RS
3rd Place - Londrina
4th Place - Confiança
#232949 NFL Thread
#232946 Starting with the Grave
This signing can be a major boost for the team:
the next update in July 2014...
#232631 Rise of the clarets
#232627 Starting with the Grave
Thanks mate!
My first match of the season: a friendly against the reserves team. This match served to watch the condition of the squad. There are some players in the reserves team that can be promoted to the first team.
#232447 Brazilian Football Thread
Participants by state:
São Paulo (45): Tanabi, Mirassol, América, Rio Preto, Catanduvense, Ponte Preta, Linense, Santos, Penapolense, Grêmio Prudente, Audax, Noroeste, São Carlos, XV de Piracicaba, Lemense, Botafogo, Ferroviária, Monte Azul, Inter Limeira, Palmeiras, Sumaré, Paulista, Ituano, São Bento, Paulínia, Red Bull Brasil, Portuguesa, Primavera, Taubaté, Osasco, Taboão da Serra, Desportivo Brasil, São Bernardo, Guarani, São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Barueri, Corinthians, Nacional, Rio Claro, Flamengo, São Caetano, Juventus, Atibaia and Santo André
Rio de Janeiro (4): Fluminense, Botafogo, Flamengo and Vasco da Gama
Minas Gerais (4): Cruzeiro, Araxá, América and Atlético Mineiro
Bahia (4): Bahia, Galícia, Vitória and Serrano
Pernambuco (4): Sport Recife, Náutico, Santa Cruz and Porto
Goiás (4): Goiânia, Atlético Goianiense, Goiás and Vila Nova
Santa Catarina (4): Avaí, Criciúma, Chapecoense and Figueirense
Rio Grande do Sul (3): Grêmio, Internacional and São José
Paraná (3): Paraná, Coritiba and Atlético Paranaense
Ceará (2): Fortaleza and Ceará
Espírito Santo (2): Itapemirim and Desportiva Ferroviária
Sergipe (2): Confiança and Itabaiana
Maranhão (2): Babaçu and Sampaio Corrêa
Mato Grosso do Sul (2): Comercial and Guaicurus
Paraíba (2): Serrano and Botafogo
Mato Grosso (2): Luverdense and Cacerense
Pará (2): Independente, Paysandu
Distrito Federal (2): Gama and Unaí
Alagoas (2): Murici and Sete de Setembro
Rio Grande do Norte (2): ABC and Palmeira
Amapá (1): São José
Tocantins (1): Araguaína
Rondônia (1): Vilhena
Piauí (1): Comercial
Roraima (1): São Raimundo
Acre (1): Rio Branco
Amazonas (1): Tarumã
#232437 Starting with the Grave
Thanks! I managed Afan Lido without much success in FM 14. This one will be a total new experience.
#232385 Starting with the Grave
Giants Graves Chairman welcomed me to my first club
This is my squad: 17 players. I need to sign some players.
6 staff members. I placed an advert for Coach and Goalkeeping Coach. Would you suggest any other role?
#232088 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread