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#158613 3D kits Technical Help Thread
New! 3D Templates Pack v4.0 (MediaFire 126mb) New!
but, what should I do with it? I mean,how can I now create kits for Bosnian Premier League?
I downloaded the SS 2D kits for Bosnian Premier League, now I only need the 3D, but I can't make them. I mean, I don't know whit which Program should I opet this templates to change color, logos, and sponsors. It's the only league that I am missing. Please help
p.s. I managed to make ad boards for Bosnian Premier League and Cup, so I should be able to do this too with a little help
thank you
#158600 Bosnia - BiH Premier League SS'2013/14
do you have 3D kits for Bosnian Premier League?
#128800 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
thanks man now it works
so, one more question, the last chapter in fm file, something with +1 and -1, what does it mean?
#128703 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
hi, I have a problem with my own ads. I created it for FM13, and it worked fine, And now in FM14 they are not working. I gave them 6565 id, and made 14 adboards. but now, it allways show me the changed adboards (coca cola, continental, visa,...). What am I doing wrong? Because, ch. league, and other clubs, it is working fine, but my don't want to get in the game. I even tried to change the id, now I used 54001..54014, made 46 adboards position, and still nothing.
<!-- Bosnian Premier League, enzo -->
<list id="8401073">
<integer value="54001"/>
<integer value="54002"/>
<integer value="54003"/>
<integer value="54004"/>
<integer value="54005"/>
<integer value="54006"/>
<integer value="54007"/>
<integer value="54008"/>
<integer value="54009"/>
<integer value="54010"/>
<integer value="54011"/>
<integer value="54012"/>
<integer value="54013"/>
<integer value="54014"/>
<integer value="54001"/>
<integer value="54002"/>
<integer value="54003"/>
<integer value="54004"/>
<integer value="54005"/>
<integer value="54006"/>
<integer value="54007"/>
<integer value="54008"/>
<integer value="54009"/>
<integer value="54010"/>
<integer value="54011"/>
<integer value="54012"/>
<integer value="54013"/>
<integer value="54014"/>
<integer value="54001"/>
<integer value="54002"/>
<integer value="54003"/>
<integer value="54004"/>
<integer value="54005"/>
<integer value="54006"/>
<integer value="54007"/>
<integer value="54008"/>
<integer value="54009"/>
<integer value="54010"/>
<integer value="54011"/>
<integer value="54012"/>
<integer value="54013"/>
<integer value="54014"/>
<integer value="54001"/>
<integer value="54002"/>
<integer value="54003"/>
<integer value="54004"/>
<!-- Bosnian Premijer Liga ads -->
<record id="54001" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/asa"/>
<record id="54002" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/avaz"/>
<record id="54003" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/uni"/>
<record id="54004" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/bht"/>
<record id="54005" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/granof"/>
<record id="54006" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/ep"/>
<record id="54007" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/bet"/>
<record id="54008" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/code"/>
<record id="54009" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/konzum"/>
<record id="54010" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/legea"/>
<record id="54011" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/mtel"/>
<record id="54012" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/sarajevsko"/>
<record id="54013" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/spar"/>
<record id="54014" path="pictures/ads/europe/bosnia/premijer liga/fds"/>
can you please help me to get this to work???