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#787446 transfers enabled?
Paul Butterfield
When does the actual daily transfers become active ? is it in the early hours of the morning or as soon as they are enabled?
Would love to know this and would appreciate it if anyone knows?
Thank you
Paul Butterfield
#703644 Updating attributes and corruption ?
Paul Butterfield
Please can anyone help me?
I use your brilliant FM 2022 update.
I also update some player attributes on another FM Editor save file, but I have found that when I run a new game Blackburn Rovers does not have a manager, have I corrupted the game by making attribute changes? and what happens when you get contradictive data on multiple files?
Thank you
Paul Butterfield
#702745 Data update ?
Paul Butterfield
If i wanted to put Gavi of Barcelona on a better wage with one of my editor data saves, which would gain priority in the game with your data update ?
Would love to know my friend ?
Thank you
#702719 Data update ?
Paul Butterfield
Thank you friend
#702712 Data update ?
Paul Butterfield
Sorry to bother you again, but could you perhaps tell me why you cannot put transferred players and staffs wages up to date in your regular updates ?
Thank you
Paul Butterfield
#702709 Data update ?
Paul Butterfield
thanks mate for getting back to me, much appreciated
#702700 Data update ?
Paul Butterfield
Please can you tell me if the daily FM update will eventually have the wage of players and managers updated and updated squad numbers when they have been transfered ????
Thank you all
Paul Butterfield
#690515 Profile ?
Paul Butterfield
Please can anyone say if the regular sortitout update will include new wage and new shirt number ?
thank you
Paul B
#666681 How to contribute to the sortitoutsi Data Update[Read the opening post for full details]
Paul Butterfield
yes done it thanks
#666656 How to contribute to the sortitoutsi Data Update[Read the opening post for full details]
Paul Butterfield
Oscar Tabarez is no longer Uruguay manager.
Thank you.
Paul Butterfield
#666653 How to contribute to the sortitoutsi Data Update[Read the opening post for full details]
Paul Butterfield
Why has no one taken Oscar Tabarez from Uruguay national manager ?
Thank you
Paul Butterfield
Sorry im new to this
#666654 How to contribute to the sortitoutsi Data Update[Read the opening post for full details]
Paul Butterfield
Why has no one taken Oscar Tabarez from Uruguay national manager ?
Thank you
Paul Butterfield
Sorry im new to this
#582235 When is FM21 daily download available ?
Paul Butterfield
Thank you kind people!! Paul
#576659 When will there be the regular data update for FM 21
Paul Butterfield
Please can you help ?
Do you have to wait for new regular data update for FM21 or can you still download the FM20 update
Thank you